Review of The Bitch

The Bitch (1979)
Painful and Futile
20 August 2004
Joan Collins seems to delight in filming some of the most trashy novels written by her sister Jackie, and playing the part of the most outrageous character in the book. How else can one explain her roles in the films of "The Stud" and its sequel "The Bitch"? Viewers comments in the IMDb database for "The Stud" probably say all that really needs saying about both of them. I find watching such films is rather like attending an unwanted disco party - it is painful whilst it lasts, and after it is over, I am left to ask myself what made me waste so much time doing something so futile. In the case of "The Bitch" this analogy is particularly appropriate as the lighting for much of the film is very like what one might expect to find at a disco, and is probably equally capable of leading to a headache. However there are usually short periods of enjoyment to provide some small consolation during even the most futile party. Watching this film, the consolation for me was a very short pool party which was free of psychedelic lighting effects and was not only more restful on the eyes but also quite amusing to watch. In consideration of this I will rate the film at two out of ten, rather than giving it only the one that it really deserves.
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