"Ma Chin, the spell of your magic sword has been broken...by me!"
12 September 2003
So begins the dialogue in BLOOD OF THE DRAGON, which is probably the least important element of this almost-nonstop action martial arts movie. Starring Wang Yu (from the amazing ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN series), BLOOD OF THE DRAGON is an above-average movie with a pretty cool protagonist and enough blood and gore to satisfy any fan of violence.

Wang Yu plays Lung Ti, also known as the mercenary White Dragon. This is the "Dragon" referenced in the title, so you know to look out for his blood in this movie...lots of it. You see, about a quarter of the way through the movie, White Dragon sustains a backstabbing (what a guy!) and STILL manages to kick butt throughout the rest of the movie. It's a tough job saving China, but somebody's gotta do it. White Dragon gets caught up in a revolution against the evil Mongol government, and the movie gets quite a few patriotic sentiments in it; the Mongols are portrayed as hairy louts, and White Dragon and the prince who fights alongside him are cool, honorable dudes. :)

Right off the bat, BLOOD OF THE DRAGON gets into heavy action with rapid camera-cutting and frenetic editing. White Dragon wields a huge iron spear throughout the movie, and he goes against everything from a broadsword (a so-called "magic sword," but I never really saw why it was so special), a three-piece staff, throwing stars, and one of those nifty sword/whip things (used by intimidating bad guy Red Wolf). There are several unintentionally funny moments in the battles, when it is obvious that the editing is a bit sub-par, but this is to be expected from a thirty-minute fight scene with over sixty guys (yes, that IS the finale of the movie!).

White Dragon, with his fairly easy-going attitude and honorable heart, may remind viewers of Jubei from NINJA SCROLL or Gatsu from "Berserk." Either way, the dubbing on Dragon's voice (and the rest of the cast) is above average, with all the lines understandable and at times emotional; much of this could also be attributed to Wang Yu's actual ability to act. :) Also, be sure not to miss out on the horribly inappropriate music by the band Flood! All in all, a fun movie with great weapons sequences. My rating: 8/10
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