Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
Lay off! I love the show!
11 May 2004
I just read through the other comments on the site and, to be fair, they are allowed to have their opinion. But mine is: it may rip off star wars (Which this doesn't touch. I'm a fan of both!), it may have crap effects, some of the acting may be suspect but the show defined the era. Good vs. evil. Hope against dispair. Life against death. It's just a shame it only ran for 24 episodes. I bought the box set last month and I haven't regreted it. I still love the show even Sixteen years after first watching it. You may think it's crap. I think it's good. And to what one of the other writers said about the alien beliefs: i'm with you on that one. I mean who's to say that it hasn't already happend? Or that at this very moment, a ship the size of the whole contenant of Russia isn't looking for us right now? Trying to bring back home the one's who left all those years ago? Trying to at last find peace? It makes you think, don't it? Anyway, the show was great at the time, and even though it has dated alot, it still brings some entertainment to a new generation of fans who have seen the Abomination that is the new mini series of Battlestar Galactica (Starbuck......a woman? Come on! Don't be so stupid!), and want to see how it all began. About how they got far away from the Cylons (them, too, have been made in to women. WHY????). Give me the original any day, thank you!
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