Beauty and the Beast (1976 TV Movie)
The missus and I still talk about it.....
21 September 2004
The love (or otherwise) of any piece of artistic work is obviously extremely subjective. We had just married at the time this film was released and so were very "loved-up". Nevertheless we were completely enchanted by the heart-rending tale of tormented romance. Of course the story is well-known to everyone, most children read or are read the book when no more than toddlers. There is no deep meaning or twists of plot to keep the viewer guessing, on the contrary - there is nothing added or taken away from the original storyline. It is therefore, a triumph, that such a simple yarn can be presented, such that real nostlagia, romance, magic, love, despair and joy are evident throughout.

George C. Scott is simply perfect in the role of the beast. It would have been such a temptation to "ham-it-up" and to make the beast even beastlier, but he gets the balance just right. The viewer is suitably revolted by him at first, but of course is soon won over by his presence and charm. Shrek is the contemporary equivalent - but Scott has no computer enhancement to get across his frustrated torment - just damn good old-fashioned acting.

I wish I could make more informed comments here about the film but it is so long since we saw it that I am struggling to remember more detail. It must have been good though - we still talk about it and are always on the look-out for it in programme listings.
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