"Master of the Flying Guillotine: Ultimate Edition" is Better than Ever!!
10 June 2002
Having commented on the dubbed and edited version three years

ago on IMDb, I'm back again, having recently had the chance to

check out the newly released "Ultimate Edition" version in Los

Angeles. In a word, it is the "Ultimate Edition." Long-lost scenes

(that I had never seen in the dubbed version) are re-inserted, fight

scenes are extended, one tournament fight scene is added (which

was already in the "One Armed Boxer vs. Flying Guillotine"

version), and the film is SUBTITLED and not DUBBED, which is

the biggest change. It's interesting to watch the film in its native

language, and not the awful Australian dubbing (which actually is

one of the things I really like about the original!!), which adds a

whole different color to the film. The added scenes of the One

Armed Boxer in the beginning of the film also add more dimension

to his character, and yes... we find out that "One Armed Boxer" has

a real name!! The story behind the re-release is an original,

complete negative was located in China, and Greg Hatanaka and

Pathfinder Pictures saw fit to give this film a re-release in the

States (thanks, Greg!). To call "MFG:Ultimate" a "restored" version

from a technical standpoint would be incorrect (the print is

somewhat washed out, and damaged in places -- looks like

processing flaws which they will hopefully correct in the DVD

release... hint hint...), but it is a LOT more vibrant than the bootlegs

of the original "MFG" floating around out there, and it's presented in

the correct 2.35 aspect ratio! All in all, a great release of an

entertaining film to watch! It is in limited release, but the upcoming

(hopefully) DVD version should please true fans out there! The

biggest disappointment -- missing great dubbed-in dialogue like:

"D'you know who eye yam? I happen to be the one armed boxer!!"

and "Just you get outta my way now... you old has-been!!

Hahahaha!!!" All gone...
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