use your imagination....
10 July 2002
'The Legend of Hell House' is fairly good. There are some scenes that are laughable, at least to me. What the movie does well is use camera angles(and imagery) as well as sound effects to enhance the fear. We never get a computer generated monster to look at, and that works well for the movie. The acting is very good, as we have to believe that the characters could go crazy in such a situation.

It is mildly suspenseful, and thats fine. It didn't terrify me though. My generation is a little jaded when it comes to horror films and its hard to scare us. I like that there is little to no gore in the movie as well. It is good because it doesn't detract from the great atmosphere that is created with the camera work and sound effects.

This movie probably won't terrify you, but as a haunted house story, it is pretty good, and technically well done. It should keep you interested and might be worth a look. 7 out of 10.
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