Worthy Film, Worthy Message
22 June 2004
George C. Scott stars as a marine biologist who has taught two dolphins to communicate with humans in english. His project attracts the notice of a shadowy corporate sponsor, who then kidnaps the dolphins to perform an assassination-at-sea. The film is divided in two parts, both exploring the ethics of man's meddling with nature. Stunning photography, excellent supporting cast, superlative effort from Scott, whose deep personal investment in the film's subject is easily sensed.

I saw this film in the theater in 1973 and thought it was one of the best I'd ever seen. I wasn't expecting a period action film or a potboiler-thriller and was pleasantly surprised to get neither. This is a thinking person's film, a modern-day Frankenstein which is made even more tragic because of the creator's love for what he has created. The conclusion of this film is uncompromising, and calls into question all animal experimentation. One of the best, and most important films to come out in my lifetime. See it.
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