The Final Chapter of a Classic Series
18 May 2003
The Ape uprising has taken place so many years ago, and now in 2003 (by my figuring) Earth has went back to a primitive state in the new era of Apes and Humans living together, yet not equal.

Roddy McDowall reprises his role as Caesar in this one. He is more benevolent than in "Conquest..." in that he is mellowed out and Humans are not as evil as he visioned them in the last film. McDonald is his Human companion and voice of reason when the anti-Human sentiment comes to his mind. As in the end of "Conquest...", McDonald is the Human advocate for mercy for the Human race.

After the Ape uprising an offscrean nuclear war took place, demolishing the big cities of Humanity. Apes are now the superior race, yet rely on them to teach the Apes grammar and such. The Humans are subservient to the Apes, yet under Caesar's rule, they are given latitude when they inadvertently revert to the days of old (when the word "no" is uttered by a Human to an Ape, a grave misdeed in these times). A general by the name of Aldo seems to harbor visions of seizing control of the Ape civilization and directing it in a way much different than Caesar.

Caesar verbalizes his wish to have heard some words of wisdom from his long deceased parents, Cornelius and Zira. McDonald says it is so since the parents were under surveillance upon their coming to 1970's Earth, and that filmed records exist as to the revelations about the future of the Earth. Caesar immediately organizes a party of himself, Virgil, and McDonald to visit the Forbidden City (which is radioactive due to the fallout of the nuclear war) to learn about his parents. They go to the archives and find the records they were seeking. Yet meanwhile, there was a group of survivors that lived in the forbidden city that found out that Caesar was there. These humans were terribly disfigured due to the vast nuclear fallout. They recognize Caesar right away and want to gain vengeance for their fate. Caesar and his entourage flee from the Forbidden City once the Human Mutants go after them.

Anything past this will spoil the ending. This was decidedly the last of the POTA's films, and they left an open ending as to whether Humans and Simians can live together in peace.
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