Short Walk to Daylight (1972 TV Movie)
James Brolin: TV's Charlton Heston
26 January 2001
Officer James Brolin tries to keep subway passengers calm after an earthquake rocks New York City; TV-made melodrama involves the group's scramble for safety. Cannily riding on the sudden need for disaster movies in the 1970s, this small-scaled adventure is unfortunately set in a dark, dreary tunnel, with screaming ladies panicking, racial tensions brewing...and Brolin directing traffic ("Everybody stay together!"). Writers Gerald Di Pego, Richard Hesse, Edward Montagne and Philip H. Reisman Jr. Have hatched an intriguing idea here, but are unable to come up with any interesting characters or suspenseful ideas to pad their premise. May have been the inspiration for 1996's big-budget "Daylight" starring Sylvester Stallone.
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