blinded by tears
31 March 2003
I must have a major blind spot because I loved this movie in 1972

when I saw it the first time and the second and the third time. Now

I have become an semi-regularly woeful countenanced man

myself and I love it even more. My heart started to stir watching

O'Toole's speech at the Oscars so I re-rented La Mancha even as

it was being removed from the active shelf at my local Hollywood

video. I took it home and played it for the youngest of my five

daughters, eleven year old Mary. She loves musicals as much as I

do. She got into it. I cried again. Sorry. I love this film. Like I said, I

must have a tin ear or a blind spot or goddamn it, maybe I'm right. Man of La Mancha is a 10 plus and a must for all O'Toole fans

which at this point should be about everybody who loves movies. Let the revisionism begin here. O'Toole and Loren> C'mon
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