Adult version no, Mongoloid Version maybe
16 November 2003
Dr. Chris Leder (Jack Buddliner, who is ugly enough to make ME feel amazingly good about my body) goes to a bookstore with his fiancé, Cynthia (Jennifer Brooks, better know as "that one girl in that flick where Elvira shows her hoo-haas). He sees a book he wants but waits till he's alone to go get it. The store owner isn't selling, so Chris naturally strangles him. (i hesitate to say kills because he blinks "after death). He then uses the book to turn himself into MISS Hyde. A pre-breast enhancement, pre-hardcore star, Rene Bond (quite easily the only redeeming value of the movie) also stars as secretary of Dr. Chris in this hard soft-core film. This film was hard to sit through & I know that ANY movie released on the "Something Weird" label is for acquired taste. Do yourself a favor and skip this. See Hammer's "Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde" instead, which is miles better.

My Grade: D

DVD Extras: Commentary by David F. Friedman; Theatrical trailer; gallery of exploitation art

Eye candy: all the girls get nude at one point in the film

ANTI-Eye candy: Jack Buddliner gets nude (giving the word cocktail weenie a new meaning, frankly I feel sorry for the guy)
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