Review of Monte Walsh

Monte Walsh (1970)
nice story of friends in the old West
8 February 2003
This is a nice film to watch on a rainy evening. Lee Marvin and Jack

Palance did as good a job of acting that I have ever seen them do.

The supporting cast is full of wonderful career action character

actors who you would recognize if you watched a lot of films and

TV in the '70's.

I borrowed the tape from a relative after seeing the remake by TNT

and though I think the remake was better, this was for it's time

pretty good. The way movie progresses noticed a lot of scenes

seemed choppy and there must have been a lot left on the cutting

room floor.

Lee Marvin looked like he was playing his typical Marvin character,

but Jack Palance was likeable and I believe did a better job and

even portrayed his character better than Carradine did in the

remake and Carradine did a great job.

Though it's a "tear-jerker" it's one that tells a story that's not unique

to just the "Cowboys" of the 19th and early 20th century. There are

periods in history when due to evolution of civilization, lifestyles are

phased out or altered due to change of professions needed to


My appreciation of Mama Cass' singing increased when I heard

her sing the title song. She really had a fine voice, it was a plus

that she sung the lead-in rather someone like Joplin. In fact

before I saw her credits in the lead-in I thought the singer was one

of the great singers who had sung a James Bond movie title song.
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