The New People (1969–1970)
I thought I was the first, but my original review was lost it seems.
28 March 2002
This show was an experiment. It was 45 minutes per episode and it followed David Steinberg who also had a 45 minute time slot. I'm assuming that they expected you to be captivated by Steinberg and then trapped into watching The New People since you were left 15 minutes into everything else that was on. The premise was: "What kind of world would young adults create if they were left to their own devices?" The plot had them stranded on a remote island that was designed to be destroyed by an atomic bomb. It had a complete town constructed to test the effects of said bomb. Sort of a metaphor for the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war. So there they were with a civilization to build while trying to avoid the mistakes of their parents. They even had an episode where the castaway's found a cache of weapons and had to make the decision to keep them or destroy them. (Remember we were in the middle of the Vietnam war). It showed promise, but I'm assuming it didn't work because adults were writing it and they had a hard time thinking like teenagers.
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