Bona fide original
5 February 2002
That's the best I can describe this. The fact that the sketches are still funny after 30 years is a testament to the Pythons. I didn't really get into this until about six months ago, but now I'm hooked. The wackiness seen here is fantastic. For those of you unfamiliar with this show or want to try a sample, I highly recommend the DVD 2 set with the Dead Parrot and Lumberjack bits. Classic stuff. The Upperclass Twit of the Year is another personal favorite. While watching this, I've noticed that all sketch comedies since this one (all the successful ones anyway) have borrowed an idea from this show. Personally, I feel the Kids In The Hall should be sending them a royality check every month since the Kids ripped off about 95% of this show. At any rate, this show is just British comedy at it's best. Check it out, you won't regret it. Oh, one more thing I forgot... Albatross!
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