The Committee (1968)
Market research run amok...a real head trip
27 July 2000
This British film recently played at the Hollywood Cinematheque. I don't think that it's available on tape, but obviously a print still exists. It was in pretty good shape, too.

It's a great film, combining magical realism and psychological absurdism. It's short == 60 minutes or so. There's a really great party scene with The Crazy World of Arthur Brown that equals or excels any MTV music video that could have ever been made of this unique musician.

The story divides into two parts, the first being an unusual Hitchcockian thriller. The second part involves a team of market researchers who assemble groups of people, or "committees" for a variety of absurd reasons. The central character is present in both parts, tying them together in a weird blend of paranoia and consumerism.

The mod costumes and sets make for a satisfying black and white experience. If it comes to your local film museum, it's worth the trip and the 7-8 bucks admission, especially if there's another good sixties British psychological mind-bending film on the bill.
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