Wait Until Dark (I) (1967)
Doll of a Movie
9 December 2001
Audrey Hepburn is a doll in this movie,and then there's the other {lethal} doll to consider.And consider we shall,being the focal point and core of story.Let me begin by saying that I find this to be among THE best thrillers of all time.It gave me the jitters when I originally saw back in the 60',and still does.Credit the penetrating and piercing music that scorches and scores the background of almost every scene,with such a probing yet simple killer lullaby.Just hearing that simple melody gets my attention.It is perfectly placed and utilized within movie,and adds greatly to intensity of upcoming drama. The story basically centers around a recently blinded lady living in Grenwich Village and a missing doll that becomes the hunt for a group of unsavory individuals.The doll ,which is very valuable-having stiched inside a much sought-over recent shipment of heroine.The kind to kill for. In the hunt are 2 almost world-weary mutt and jeffish characters in the form of Richard Crenna and Jack Weston,wonderfully paired together as thieves who just so happen to pick wrong apartment for looting job.And along comes the never better cast and arch villian of sorts to render his interpretation of how to proceed with action and how to offer up con game for thrill of the hunt.None other than Alan Arkin,cast against type and totally in control of situation and circumstance of his character and beyond.Whereas Crenna plays a believably concerned and somewhat compassionate thug,and Weston a street-wise and untrusting co-hort to Crenna,Arkin steals the show.Arkin is diabolical,cunning,clever and manages to outwit and out act with a snidely dervish sense of self,never felt from him since.His Scarsdale toughness and devil may care pitch to nasal voice ,gives an abundant meanness and sociopathic quality to character.Hepburn is not far behind in creating a character that evokes a rapid and intense following to.She,very believably creates pathos and inner charm from her dissability and opportunity to exploit,for our instruction and our acting appreciation.The viewer really develops a concern for her character in all its vunerability and ease of access. Since virtually all of the action centers around coming's and going's of apartment and builds with each new developing scene,we start to feel her predicament,more and more. With a cat and mouse plot that ravels and unravels right before our eyes,we are more than privvy to things that even our heroine's # 1 blind lady can neither see but can still feel,having enough senses to know when but not exactly where,that danger lurks.And danger is the name of this tense,nail-biting thriller,sure to envelop one with a menacing sense of blind accuracy.Or hopefully so. 5 out of 5 star or 10/10 for an unparalleled look into the eye's and mind of fear.Dig Daddio's.
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