20 June 2004
Personally, I enjoyed all three of the Anthony (Stranger) movies...I I took them as satire of the Eastwood trilogy...Eastwood smokes cheroots, Anthony rolls cigarettes that unravel in his mouth...Eastwood wears a poncho, Anthony a ratty serape...Eastwoods kills with his six gun, bad guys take Anthony's six gun so he kills with a shotgun...Eastwood is direct, Anthony is sneaky...the list could go on and on...the Anthony trilogy is to the Eastwood trilogy as the James Coborn (Our Man Flint) were to the Sean Connery (James Bond) movies...high quality the Stranger movies were not, campy fun they can you not like a ratty little scoundrel like the stranger, who's always losing his pistol and getting beat up, who looks like a skid row derelict, but somehow, manages to kill all the bad guys in the most inventive of ways...what's not to like...
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