Callous campy costumed coniptions?
9 June 2003
I've never been a big fan of the character Batman. The modern series of Batman movies has done absolutely nothing to interest me, and frankly, are some of the worst movies made in their genre. Which brings me to Batman: The Movie. This is a movie that absolutely cannot be taken seriously. That may be what I like about it. It exhibits the only way that the character actually works on screen (large or small)... as comedy. Having said all that, I love this movie! It is one of the funniest things you're likely to see any time soon. From plastic attack sharks, to super corny dialogue with dead pan execution, everything about this movie works. The only people I can see not liking this movie are Frank Miller purists who were heavily into his 80's era reworking of Batman.

Any way, see this movie if you want to laugh a lot and have a good time.

8 out of 10
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