I laughed, I cried, I... well, I mostly laughed.
28 February 2002
(sub-titled "The man with the sharp popsicle sticks") As one who likes a good bad movie once in a while, when I was informed about this movie, I wondered if it was bad enough. And oh yes, it was bad enough. Hideous, awful, terrible. I loved EVERY minute of it. If you just want to laugh at stuff, this is the movie to do it with. Forget that "Royal Tenenbaums" garbage! Who needs the subtle and striking humor of "Dr. Strangelove"? This is the highest form of humor - unintentional humor. Listen carefully for the upbeat, polka beat that plays in the background. And skips. And, my favorite line: Model-prostitute person: "I don't want to stay here" Pimp-photographer: "I'll double your salary!" Mpp: "My life is worth more than that!" Pimp: "I'll triple it" Mpp: "OK, I'll do it" Just see it. you'll be glad you did.
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