An Incredibly Awful film!
28 May 2000
What an absolute waste of film and peoples time! Long looked upon as a cult classic with tons of noteriety, this movie fails on every count and that's even when you go in watching it knowing it is a goof and you can't take it seriously. No worthy plot to follow, bad acting-no that's being too kind, absolutely awful acting. The dark humor is so bad you don't laugh, and absolutely no chills what-so-ever! A complete waste of time. Please DO NOT rent this and by all means DO NOT buy it! You might as well throw your hard earned money in the trash! Better yet, donate it to charity! Finally, as for Lon Chaney Jr's performance? It stinks! It's so bad it is laughable but out of respect for this horror veteran, you try and hold the laughter in. If you truly want to see Chaney's best film performance then somehow find 1964's "Witchcraft". Now that's a performance! As for this drek? Bury it! QUICKLY!!!
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