I love this movie
14 June 2001
A movie that's almost only 'acted' by animals might not sound interesting to some, but I must say that I truly love this movie. Not only because I love animals, but also because this is very good example of a very enjoyable movie with pets as main characters. Nowadays it seems that the only way to make animals 'act' is to make them talk and tell silly jokes, usually by using some awful CGI effects. This very well done tale, instead, delivers the goods through a very nice narration, and through an interesting plot that doesn't get silly and stays almost true to complete credibility: two dogs and a cat start a long and adventurous trip home after accidentally getting lost (this has happened various times in history, even for long distances). A very nice tale for the whole family, and a mild yet captivating story that will almost bring a tear -- a happy one -- to the eye of any true pet lover.

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