Great movie, but a (very) good "Hors d'oeuvre"
31 January 2003
I have seen this one which is sold with another Maud Linder's production (his daughter), l'Homme au chapeau de soie (The Man in the silk hat). The second is a charming movie about Max linder's life, including archive footages and a lot of movies extracts.

"En Compagnie de Max linder" is a set of three movies, "Soyez ma femme" (be my wife, 1921), "Sept ans de malheur" (Seven years bad luck, 1921) et l"Etroit mousquetaires" (The Three Must-get-theres, 1922 ). All three are from the american period. The movies included in the set are unfortunately not full version (all are 30 min about or less instead of one hour each or more). Delightful anyway. What to say : the movie start with a Chaplin's greeting : "To my only professor". The title is not usurped. This guy is a great master. Intelligent humor, no nostalgy, no melancholy, good rhythm always, bad luck, elegance too. He is really one of my favourite gagman, often impressive. Another regret concerning Max Linder. Two movies avaible in VHS only, already old (1964 for this one), almost nothing released in DVD (Be my wife, only in Region1) although his work really deserves to be enjoyed.
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