25 May 2003
This is NOT a horror movie. It is a serial-killer movie, so you won't find any aspects of the supernatural, here.

B/W feature, set in Germany, dubbed in French with English subtitles. I suspect that it was actually filmed in northern Spain. Don't know for sure.

A modern day Baron's ancestors have a curse that goes back 500 years to when the ancient Baron was involved in a series of murders of young women by knifing and torturing them. The police and a crime reporter from out of town go on the hunt to search for the killer.

Btw, it didn't take rocket-science to know who the killer was since this became apparent early on in the film.

The film does have some spooky atmosphere to it and it also has one S/M scene where the barmaid (Gogo Rojo?) is chained up from a rafter, topless with very faint whip marks on her back. She is stabbed by the killer although it isn't shown on the film directly, but slightly off camera with no blood shown.

But besides all this, I think it is a weak film that deserves no more than a 3 out of 10 for sheer boredom.
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