Perhaps the worst movie I have ever seen...
20 August 1999
Being a fan of MST3000, I've seen plenty of really bad movies. But this one blew me away by how unbelievably bad a movie can be. It's hard to imagine that the makers of this film were trying to make a serious movie. It's a Japanese film from the '50s, telling the story of invaders from the planet Krankor, and Prince of Space, the "hero" who tries to defeat them. I knew that this movie was going to suck when I saw the "villain"--The Phantom of Krankor (better known as simply Krankor.) What possessed the film-makers to think that a space invader dressed like a chicken could be taken seriously? Then there's the Prince of Space, who wears a mask that appears to be a piece of laminated construction paper. There's plenty of other horrendously bad stuff in this movie that you can laugh at (the Giant Guardian of the Planet Krankor is an example), but there isn't enough space to list it all. This is one movie that truly deserves a 1 out of 10.
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