This movie should have been a comedy
1 June 2000
I am laughing as I am writing this commentary. I have now seen the movie twice and basically all the characters are beautiful. They play their roles fantastically.

This film reminds me in some ways of Ed Wood's type of films. Just why in the middle of this horror (?) movie do they have a wild party in the backyard where the monster lives and our heroine has had some traumatic experiences with the monster. She looks as though she is really enjoying the party and there are no monster problems affecting her or her group of friends. To me this party just doesn't fit it with the atmosphere that the writer is trying to obtain for the movie.

Dr. Oliver Frank (Donald Murphy). Now there is a character!! He is also a very dedicated scientist with quite an itinerary on his plate. He will go to no ends to try and make his monster come true. He first of all experiments with Sandra Knight, our heroine, then Susie Lawlor. He also has to get rid of his boss and wants to kill him so that he can have free access to the lab to do his experiments. He has got all the answers to give to the police and anyone else who will listen so he can attain his goal.

The monster, oh yes the monster. There is something to be talked about. "She" is supposed to be Susie Lawlor, but if you remember, Susie was maybe 5 feet 3 inches or there abouts and when she went out on a date with Dr. Frank, she only came up to maybe his shoulders. This monster is taller than Dr. Frank and is built like a Sherman tank. There is the problem. Who is the person behind the ugly mask??

One thing I like about these type of monster and horror movies is that the good guys always somehow defeat the monsters. So now I know that if I see a monster like Dr. Frank(enstein) has created, I know how to dispose of it.

Now I can sleep a lot easier!!
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