loved it
11 June 2002
This is definetly not a Hitchcock-like film. Instead, it's frame after frame of the beautiful French Riviera scenery. Although Cary Grant seems to be a little to old for Grace Kelly, they still play the romantic angle very nicely. Cary Grant plays John Robie 'The Cat', an ex-jewelry burglar. Grace Kelly is, of course, lovely as ever as she plays the sophisticated, beautifully dressed, bejewelled Frances Stevens--who, after her first encounter with Grant, kisses him firmly on the lips. The highlight of the movie is the seduction scene in Frances' hotel room, against the backdrop of fireworks. This classy movie is full of double entendres, witty comments and the quest to catch Grant as a thief and husband. The ending is nice as Grant and Kelly (in a beautiful golden gown) stand in his villa. Good acting by all the cast, interesting script and beautiful views of the Riviera.
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