Squids and monsters and atom bombs, oh my!
9 July 1999
A mad scientist from Eastern Europe, a wrestler passing as Lobo, a radiation monster with a fetish for angora sweaters, a giant squid in the backyard, an airhead female journalist and a brain-dead but pretty-faced hero to save the girl. It doesn't get much better than this in the land of B-movies, thanks to the genius of Edward D. Wood Jr.

Strangely enough, if you dig deep down into this poor movie, you find some marks of intelligence. The scene where Bela Lugosi turns down his fellow scientist ("Home? I have no home...") starts with a solid performance and soon turns to the hysterical. This movie will leave you with the persistent feeling that Wood tried really, really hard and failed miserably.

Truly an oddity, and the perfect companion to "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and a 12-pack of cold beer.
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