Book and film equals - astonishing
13 August 2000
I read the Bernanos book when I was 16, subject to a lot of emotions as every girl at that age. Bernanos wrote literature but we did not fall asleep, as everybody else during the obligatory French book list. 30 years later, today,I discovered this movie. I am glad I stayed up late to watch it. Although there are so many fade outs - fade ins and the main actor is mostly speechless or voice over, this is a rare jewel. Can a movie be better than a book? Often not, in this case they both deserve sublime credits. I did not mind the voice overs - it's written as a journal, and it never disturbed me.

I saw this movie today and it was hosted by a catholic organization. I'm not catholic and the film (as the book) learn us to see some aspects. Devotion, absolute belief and as far as I am concerned hypocrisy.

I gave it a 9/10. If you like older b/w films with a deeper sense, go and try to rent it. Fact is, tomorrow I'm going to reread Bernanos.
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