Daffy is manic and hilarious
27 March 2004
Porky Pig and his loyal dog are out hunting duck. However, of all the possible ducks they could go after, it's just bad luck that they go after the craziest duck in the swamp - Daffy Duck! And Daffy is too much of a wise-quacker to get caught easily by anyone.

I'm a big fan of Daffy Duck but I vastly prefer him when he is in fully `crazy' mood, doing all sorts of manic things; I find that much funnier than his later greedy & selfish personae. Here he is spot on in his crazy personae and he totally makes this cartoon work. The plot is split between the hunt and Porky's house (where Daffy gets taken in an agreement with the dog). While the hunt section is funny, the stuff in the house is much better and is a perfect forum for Daffy to do his stuff. It is funny and imaginative throughout.

Daffy is great here and his manic actions and delivery are hilarious. Porky is not a great character but he is good in a solid partnership; here then, he works and reacts well to the action. The downtrodden dog is good but I must admit that I didn't like some of his voice work here in comparison to some other Daffy shorts I have seen him in.

Overall, for true Daffy Duck fans (i.e. those who appreciate him when he is daffy) this cartoon will be hilarious. For those who have yet to be won over by the little black duck, this will surely help you come round to my way of thinking. Personally, `I like him; he's silly.'
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