Charming cast and beautiful setting make for a gem of movie.
3 May 2002
Esther Williams fans will love this extremely enjoyable film. Williams plays a hollywood star engaged to her handsome co-star (Montalban) who are making a movie of their own. On set is the lovesick technical advisor (Lawford) who has been in love with her ever since they first met. Only problem is she can't remember him. So he takes her to an island to make she she does, and well you get the picture.

Williams and Lawford are wonderful together and matching them are Ricardo Montalban and Cyd Charisse especially during their beautiful dance numbers. They toss in Jimmy Durante for guarenteed laughs to make the cast even better.Its vibrant colors and very attracive stars make it lovely to look at, but the story is very sweet too. If you love happy and romantic musicals you'll love this one. And of course we get to see Esther doing what she does best in the very nice water sequences.

Side Note: Who wouldn't want to be on an island with Peter Lawford.
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