Shep's not a great character but the jokes are solid fare
27 February 2004
A palaeontologist is putting together a dinosaur from the basic bones, despite his dog Shep's habit of trying to eat the bones. When the final vertebra is missing and a bulldog is seen leaving the area with a bone, Shep's owner sends him off to recover the bone - a task that is actually not as easy as he maybe thought.

Cartoon characters trying to get past or get something from a massive bulldog is not a new plot device but it is generally still pretty funny. Here the plot sees a small dog trying to get a big bone from a big dog, with all the usual obstacles. It may not be startlingly imaginative but it is still pretty funny; the jokes are the usual fare but they have a fresh feel with a bit of imagination.

The character of the bulldog does what it always does, which is to just be big, imposing and mean; he does just what he is expected to do. Shep is a weak little character who doesn't really succeed even though he has some nice little traits. He does the work well though and is pretty funny to watch.

Overall this short is not really anything new or imaginative but it is still quite funny and worth watching as it does have it's own style despite borrowing jokes from numerous other shorts.
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