Probably the best John Carradine musical ever!
6 August 2003
That doesn't mean this isn't a terrible movie, though. Carradine gives a (deliberately) hammy performance as a film director trying to make a hillbilly movie in the Ozarks. (He seems to be doing a spot-on imitation of his mentor/idol, John Barrymore.) Just about everything else in this mess is done poorly, though there are a couple of songs that are tolerable (at least, the first time they're sung--the best of them is repeated about four times). The people you've heard of, such as Martha O'Driscoll, make you wonder how they ever got careers. The others make you wonder why they even got this chance! There's a mule that's supposed to be quite talented, but I missed any glimpses of any special ability. There's a moment of Carradine singing during a hayride, and it's interesting, though mainly for the forced enjoyment on the old boy's face. This one is barely tolerable for the avid Carradine fanatic, others should do themselves a favor and have jaw surgery instead.
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