Idle Roomers (1944)
Very funny three stooges short
24 August 2000
This three stooges short I think is one of the best and funniest there is of the three stooges. the funniest parts in this episode is when Curly is taking that big box that has the wolfman in it up to the owners room and when he gets to the floor that he is suppose to go to Larry is behind a door pulling in the rug Curly is walking on and Curly says "Whoa its a long way to that door" then it goes to Larry who is still pulling the rug in and does not know Curly is walking on it and says "This thing must be glued down" I think that is one of the funniest scenes in this short and another part where Curly looks in a broken mirror that the wolfman is standing behind and Curly thinks that wolfman is him. This short is real funny. If your a big fan of the three stooges and haven't seen this one but heard of it I strongly suggest you watch it if it ever comes on AMC.
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