"Lion" around....
25 February 2002
When a lion has to prove himself by hunting down a small, defenseless animal, don't you think he could have picked a better target than Bugs Bunny?

In "Hold the Lion, Please", the Lion of the title must lure Bugs out of hiding by bribing him ("Carrots are good for rabbits"), faking him out of position by dirt-swimming (spitting all over himself - hilarious!) and doing that old stand-by: standing on either side of a propped-up outside door each thinking they're safe from the other (Bugs even taunts the lion with the key!).

Then, the lion finally corners him, and.... But no, that would spoil the surprise.

Chuck again runs amuck and creates funny visual time and again, and there's even a surprise voice-over by fellow animation giant Tex Avery as a condescending hippo. Perfect compliment to Mel Blanc's voicework, including that of our man Bugs!

Ten stars for this "Lion". Hilarity from the animal kingdom!
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