Review of The Black Swan

Romance and Adventure in Full Sail
18 January 1999
This may be an "escapist" movie but it's one of my very favorites: rich technicolor, clever romantic repartee in the script . . . plus Tyrone Power in a red & black outfit "to die for." When old Ty wasn't trying to appear rough and tough with a few hairs and some stray wine drops on his chest, that is (I think they used to shave chests then, along with pit hair).

FUN! This movie proves you don't even have to have a sex scene to get your imagination working and then some.

Throw in some fencing (Tyrone did his own), plenty of tall ships, excellent secondary role actors, including George Sanders and Anthony Quinn. Wow, all I can say is this movie was so good, I bought it so I can see it over and over again.
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