Wild Oysters (1941)
Extraordinary stop motion film from the early sound period.
10 August 2004
Now here's an oddity, a stop motion animation short featuring the vengeful oyster that was integrated into animator-comedian Bowers earlier live action short HE DONE HIS BEST, from his period as a comedian in the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd manner.

This one deals with cat and mouse conflict of the kind we've gotten used to seeing in drawn animation - which was Bowers' original field of specialization. It has the same sadistic detail - the cat's tail is tied in a knot under the floor boards, trapping it during the ensuing action. The technique is very accomplished, though there was work of this kind (if not this standard) in films like METAL EATING BIRD and it seems curious that Bowers did not continue producing what must have been an admired cycle to extend his silent movie career into sound where he seemed so much at home.
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