Dark Command (1940)
pretty bad
6 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This was John Wayne's first western with Raoul Walsh in ten years since 1930's The Big Trail. This one also stars Claire Trevor and Walter Pidgeon but i think Pidgeon was wrong for this movie and he wasn't very good in here. I don't think Pidgeon did any westerns after this one and i can see why. This one is set right before the civil war in Kansas and Kansas doesn't want to get involved. Pidgeon is going to run for sheriff but is beaten by Wayne and Pidgeon is upset and then becomes a criminal, first as a slave trader, than a gun runner and when the civil war stars he starts to loot towns. Trevor is Pidgeon's girl but Wayne steals her away but you can find that out for yourself when you watch it. This one is for die hard fans of Wayne only.
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