Joe Penner never made an un-funny film.
21 April 2004
This may just be another low-budget comedy from RKO, but Joe Penner had a way of getting laughs regardless of the script, the cast, or any other factor.

Other than Penner, only the Three Stooges could have carried off that "yanking the rattle snake out of the ground and making it stretch like a rubber band" routine. That's not to say that Penner's work resembles the Stooges' work (which is masterful, by the way) but Penner could do it for the length of a feature film.

When you combine Penner's trademark-gaffaws with his seemingly idiotic, yet shrewd comments (like his reply to Richard Lane's backtracking: "Well, I'm glad you finally see it your way...") you can't help but appreciate the subtle way he weaves his outlandishness with rich sly humor.

This may not be the best Penner film, but for a man who only lived 38 years, evidence of his remarkably quick rise to top billing in radio, vaudeville, shorts, and feature films is very evident in this quickie-comedy.

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