Very minor comedy starring lots of "B" talent
11 April 2003
A parade of comedians that you'll probably recognize from being parodied in old Warner Bros. cartoons. The whole film is real fluff. It's not unbearable but sort of fun. The pace keeps it moving, so if you want a place to see "forgotten" talent from the thirties, you couldn't go too wrong here.

This film is mostly notable for the performance of Joe Penner. It's very clear from whom Jerry Lewis got his inspiration. Penner utilizes a lot of the little boy mannerisms that Lewis later made famous. The difference here is that Penner is on his own. He doesn't have a sidekick to bounce off of, although Lewis eventually didn't either. Lewis has a more spastic visual comedy comedy style but much of his act is here in Penner. Just for the historical info this is a good movie for the classical film buff.

A very young Ann Miller does a tap dance towards the end.

Film history fun, not great but enjoyable.
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