Review of Sheer Luck

Sheer Luck (1931)
"You're SMART, Milkman!!!!"
20 August 2004
I saw this vintage Poverty Row talkie on the old Satellite Program Network way back in 1980 on its all-night movie show. If Ed Wood were making films back then, this would be it! Clunky plot! No budget! 3 AM scenes shot in broad daylight! Stagy performances with dramatic pauses after every fifth.... word! Nonexistent editing: heavy Reed Howes ("the RABBIT!") enters swank apartment building, camera cuts to interior AND HOLDS FOR 8 SECONDS on scene till he finally enters! Jaw-dropping dialogue like the above quote Rabbit snarls to virtuous milkman Nick Stuart! And one song played at least eight times through the hour-long film! Oh yeah, be brave and stick around for the nightclub climax and floor show! Love those cymbal clashes on the adagio number!

This gem's not easy to find--I don't think it's aired since SPN's demise. I found a LUCK OF A MAN copy only through a fellow collector who found a print in a stock-footage archive! Still, for all its faults (and mostly because of them!), it's fun for film buffs, especially for Jobyna Ralston and a rare sound showcase for silent comic Bobby Vernon (who's a gas). Hope you find it, and like it!
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