Love Business (1931)
What can I say? other than that I absolutely adore this movie.
17 September 2003
Yes. I have a deep love for Love Business. It is arguably the most

charming of all the Our Gang shorts. And I've seen so many...

This one hits upon the romantic fixations that kids develop for their

teachers. There's nothing bad about it here. In a film like this,

Miss Crabtree and Chubby Chainey can kiss without fear of a

lawsuit. June Marlow, a now mostly unremembered actress who

was both very beautiful and even more talented, brought to life the

character of the schoolteacher Miss Crabtree in many Our Gang

films (the very last was Readin' and Writin'), and her character was

loved by all who were taught by her. All her male students had

fairly innocent crushes on her. Sounds like a slice of real life, don't


Well, in this one, Miss Crabtree takes a room at a boarding house

owned by the mother of one of her smitten students, the timelessly

wonderful Jackie Cooper. His little brother Wheezer knows all

about it, and how! Chubby is busy down at the local movie house,

demonstrating his courtly love-making technique to a cardboard

cut out of Greta Garbo, when he finds out where Miss Crabtree is

shacked up. A date is aranged between the two of them. That

scene is very memorable, as well as the scene before it where

Marianne (another adorable little actress) tells Miss Crabtree that

she is also in love with Chubby. Miss Crabtree says, "Oh, well

then, I'm your rival." to which Marianne replies "Well, I don't know

anything about rifles!"

The date is a sequence that is suprisingly charming. When I first

saw this movie, I was probably 6, I didn't think anything was wrong

with it. I still don't to tell you the truth. Some great lines come out

of that scene too. "Don't call me Norman. Call my Chubsy-Ubsy."

"Miss Crabtree, there's something lying heavily on my heart." "Oh,

Chubsy Ubsy, there's gonna be something heavy on your nose!"

"Miss Crabtree, I hate to see you living as a chamber maid. Marry

me, and live like a queen." He says it just like he means it, too.

There's integrity for ya.

Another scene worth mentioning is the dinner, where a soup is

serves with mothballs accidently mixed in. The faces Marianne

makes are unforgattable.

The magic and beauty of these films was that, even though these

kids fought bad guys, fires, built amazing contraptions out of

household appliances and outsmarted adults, the movies saw

them for what they were: normal little kids. Exceptionally talented

kids were the actors, but they seemed to play themselves. In the

scene where Chubby blushes in front of Miss Crabtree (who can

blame him?). They feel pain, jealousy, oppression, anger, love

and excitement, and it rings true when you see it in their eyes and

heare them speek it with such integrity as one rarely hears. The

kids are indeed nothing but real kids, and that's a beautiful thing.
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