IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite Soundtracks — Melly Goeslaw

We have now had polls rating the favorite soundtracks by Dwiki Dharmawan. In continuing this study of Indonesian composer, let's examine Melly Goeslaw.

This is a list of films that Melly Goeslaw wrote the soundtracks for.

From this list, which of these soundtracks composed and written by Goeslaw is the most memorable to you?

Source:, Tribunnews

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    What's Up with Cinta? (2002)

    "What's Up with Love?"
  2. Vote!

    About Someone (2005)

    "About Someone"
  3. Vote!

    Heart (2006)

    "My Heart"
  4. Vote!

    Heart 2 Heart (2010)

    "Get Back My Smile"
  5. Vote!

    Dancing in the Rain (2018)

    "Stars in My Heart"
  6. Vote!

    When Love Hymn (2009)

    "When Love Prays"
  7. Vote!

    Promise (2017)

  8. Vote!

    Kartini: Princess of Java (2017)

    "So What If I'm a Woman?"
  9. Vote!

    What's Up with Cinta 2 (2016)

    "Hundred Months"
  10. Vote!

    Kenapa Ada Cinta (2003)

    "Like a Sky"
  11. Vote!

    BrokenHearts (2012)

    "Broken Hearts"
  12. Vote!

    Hope God Loves You, Mom (2013)

    "Hope God Loves You Mom"
  13. Vote!

    Eiffel... I'm in Love (2003)

    "My Praise"
  14. Vote!

    Eiffel I'm in Love 2 (2018)

    "I Do"
  15. Vote!

    Dewi Rindu (2021)

    "I Give Your Destiny"
  16. Vote!

    Verses of Love (2008)

    "The Verses of Love"
  17. Vote!

    Verses of Love 2 (2017)

    "The Second Verses of Love"
  18. Vote!

    Under the Protection of Ka'bah (2011)

    "Dear Love"
  19. Vote!

    Bukan Bintang Biasa (2007)

    "We're Extraordinary Stars"
  20. Vote!

    Meet Me in Venice (2008)

    "I Just Want to Say I Love You"
  21. Vote!

    The Butterfly (2007)

    "The Butterfly"
  22. Vote!

    Love Story (2011)

    "Love Story"
  23. Vote!

    Habibie & Ainun (2012)

    "True Love"
  24. Vote!

    Rudy Habibie (2016)

    "Finding True Love"
  25. Vote!

    Habibie & Ainun 3 (2019)

    "It's You and Memories"
  26. Vote!

    The Heaven None Missed (2015)

    "The Heaven None Missed"
  27. Vote!

    The Heaven None Missed 2 (2017)

    "In Memoriam"
  28. Vote!

    The Heaven None Missed 3 (2021)

    "Forever Love"
  29. Vote!

    Bismillah Kunikahi Suamimu (2023)

    "Should You"
  30. Vote!

    Cinta Suci Zahrana (2012)

    "The Holy Love of Zahrana"
  31. Vote!

    Jilbab Traveler: Love Sparks in Korea (2016)

    "What I Can Do?"
  32. Vote!

    Kabayan Jadi Milyuner (2010)

    "Let's Have a Crush"
  33. Vote!

    Merindu Cahaya de Amstel (2022)

  34. Vote!

    Rafathar (2017)

    "Hey-Yo, Rafathar"
  35. Vote!

    Naga Bonar Jadi 2 (2007)

    "What World Says"

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