IMDb Polls

Poll: Multiple Best Foreign Language Film Oscar Winning Directors

These directors' films won Best Foreign Language Film Oscar multiple times. Who do you think produced the best set of Oscar winning Best Foreign Language Films?

After voting, you may discuss the poll here.

Results of 4,991 votes:

  1. 1.

    Vittorio De Sica

    1. Shoeshine (1946) 2. Bicycle Thieves (1948) 3. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963) 4. The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1970)
  2. 2.

    Akira Kurosawa

    1. Rashomon (1950) 2. Dersu Uzala (1975)
  3. 3.

    Federico Fellini

    1. The Road (1954) 2. Nights of Cabiria (1957) 3. 8½ (1963) 4. Amarcord (1973)

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