IMDb Polls

Poll: Longest Lasting Actor/Director Collaborations

Which of these actor/director collaborations that lasted over 50 years is your favorite?

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    It Rains on Our Love (1946)

    (57 years) Erland Josephson and Ingmar Bergman

    First - It Rains on Our Love (1946)

    Last - Saraband (2003)

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    Deed of Daring-Do (1969)

    (54 years) Cheryl Howard and Ron Howard

    First - Deed of Daring-Do (1969)

    Last - Hillbilly Elegy (2020)

  3. Vote!

    Mean Streets (1973)

    (50 years) Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese

    First - Mean Streets (1973)

    Last - Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)

  4. Vote!

    The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)

    (50 years) Ana Torrent and Vìctor Erice

    First - The Spirit of the Beehive (1973)

    Last - Close your Eyes (2023)

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