
34 Reviews
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Unfrosted (2024)
Just Terrible - Did Not Even Chuckle Once
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My god this was awful. Not one funny moment, not one laugh, not one guffaw. Seinfeld is one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, top 5 in my esitmation. I don't know what Jerry was trying to accomplish here. A cereal 'war' nearly leads to nuclear war? Hilarious. All of our ideas come from eating trash? I left NASA and landing on the moon to make a Pop pastry? I can't contain my laughter. The mascots revolt? We have TWO security guards? Where does Jerry come up with this golden material! It really feels like Jerry just wanted to fit as many cameos into this film as possible. The only part of this film that was passable was the Ad scene with Jon Hamm and John Slattery. Other than that, this entire movie is a god awful mess. Terrible script, terrible performances, terrible story. Not fun or funny.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is just awful from start to finish. The writing is hacky, the acting is terrible, the score is a mess and the editing was atrocious. I am flabbergasted that this has a 6.5 rating. This film is not scary, it's not emotional, it's not riveting, it's not psychological, it's not good. The character of Pascow has to be a joke. I feel like this character was almost played for laughs. Something you'd see in a horror/comedy mashup. Is the character meant to be comic relief? If it is, it fails because it's not funny. If it's not, the character fails on an entirely new level. Fred Gwynne is the one redeeming quality. Kings's script is brutal, never mind the wooden acting trying to give it life. For your own sake, skip this schlock.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Solid show
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My biggest takeaway is that Ronald really does come across as a very genuine and kind person. He definitely had his moments where he thought he was in a reality show and even mentions it once or twice. The one item that really sticks with me however, is that Ronald thought these were all real individuals and real connections. He more than likely shared aspects of his life with these people thinking he was connecting, bonding, offering advice, or just sharing his true self. I don't know how I would feel if I were him in this same situation. Finding out that all these relationships that you thought you had created aren't real. That has to be a bit of a gut punch.

Overall it was enjoyable. Marsden was good if not over the top. To me the most believable character was the bailiff. And I'm not sure how Ronald didn't recognize Kirk Fox, that really surprised me.
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Deserves a much better rating
16 December 2022
What a surprise! I saw this on Netflix and assumed it was a new release, but come to find out it's from 2017. As stated in the title, this film deserves a much better rating than it currently has. Everyone involved does a nice job in their roles. It's a simple story and premise but delivers in every way. Surprisingly, Tim Allen was fantastic. I can't believe I just wrote that. I've always found him to play sort of the same role all the time. With different variations of his Home Imorovement character. But he actually seems to dig in here and gives a great performance. Check this movie out, you'll be surprised.
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This is good fun!
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This has some very funny moments. Will & Jason have incredible chemistry together. Having a Marshawn Lynch cameo was awesome! I thought Maya was a great addition as well. She & Jason both just go along with any absurd idea or premise. Their improv isn't always a home run but, for the most part, it was very well done. One nitpick, Sean Hayes. Much like their podcast together, Sean added nothing here. I realize his character is dead but seeing him under that Santa beard led to an audible ugh for me. I just have no interest in seeing him on screen. The bit with the sports reporter doing the interview naked was brilliant! Will & Jason did all they could to hold it together. Jason just rolling with it was fantastic.

And this is what the first season of Murderville missed. Too many guest stars who couldn't just let go and get in on the humor. Everyone involved in this special bought in and had tremendous fun with whatever they were given.
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Sleep, Wake, Walk, Ugh
20 October 2022
Terrible. Just absolutely terrible. Not scary. Not suspenseful. Not well written. After a few episodes I was completely unimpressed. I stuck with it for a few more in the hopes it would get better. It didn't. At that point I'm 6 episodes in and just wanted to finish it to see where it all went. The Haunting of Hill House was such a better series. Nothing from this series made any sense. None of the character arcs, none of the stories, none of it went anywhere. Ultimately, it disguises itself as a suspenseful, horror series when ultimately, it's a love story. There is entirely too many monologues and too much of the show has to be explained in voice over. When a series does this, you know that the story does not make any sense. Please heed my advice and skip this.
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I'm Crushed...
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...what did I just watch? Halloween (2018) was a very solid addition to Halloween canon. Halloween Kills, though flawed, was an average to good addition. But, as in past iterations of this franchise, each subsequent film was worse than its predecessor. To say that I have never been more disappointed in a movie, is an understatement. We get virtually zero Michael Myers here. The focus of the film is on this new character of Corey. Why do we spend the entire film following Corey when he just becomes another casualty at the end. I thought perhaps they were setting him up to 'take over' for Michael. Corey is an incredibly uninteresting character from the beginning. We are not rooting for him, we are not connected to him, we have no feeling toward Corey whatsoever. Yet he is our main character. Allison is completely lost in this film. I understand both her parents are dead, and she is a shell of her former self. But there is no growth for Allison. She loves her grandmother, meets a guy, somehow instantly falls for him, hates her grandmother, goes back to save her grandmother, and then we get a line at the end of film that Laurie was right about Corey? Everything with her character felt rushed and had no clear path.

Laurie, as always is great. I have no issue whatsoever with her story. She's trying to be everything to Allison. She's also trying to keep her own stuff together as to not completely lose her mind again. Jamie Lee Curtis is so good as Laurie Strode.

As I said earlier, virtually no Michael in this film. When we do see him he's weak. Then strong again. Then he's beaten up by a 70 year old woman. Again, no clear path. I hate seeing the character of Michael Myers die. I love the character. But that is not the reason for the negative review. He is just completely wasted.

Also, some of the dialogue in the film was incredibly hard to hear. There were several scenes where the music playing on screen was louder than the dialogue. This film was just a huge misfire overall. I thought after viewing Halloween (2018) that this trilogy was in safe hands. Turns out another group of people not named John Carpenter can't handle this material. This movie is dreadful. It may be the new low for the franchise. And yes, i am including Halloween: Resurrection and Halloween 6. I am so utterly disappointed.
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Barry (2018–2023)
So Good!
17 April 2022
Currently rewatching in anticipation of season 3. This show is so incredibly good! Dark, funny, & brilliant! Hader is a standout as Barry. The range he shows is phenomenal. Henry Winkler, Stephen Root and Anthony Carrigan are fantastic supporting players. The entire cast, overall, is perfect. Just a great great show.
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The Bubble (2022)
4 April 2022
So so bad. I saw the trailer on Netflix and thought it had a good premise, had a strong cast and could be a good film. It's incredibly bad. I really can't express how unfunny the film is. I really have nothing positive to add. It has zero redeeming qualities. It feels like an overly long SNL skit that just doesn't know when to end. I had to fast forward through the end just to get it out of my 'Continue Watching' queue on Netflix.
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Americanized Remake of a Rip-off
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a spoiler, this show is terrible. Why in God's name can there not be any original material in Hollywood? Everything is now a carbon copy, remake, reboot, retelling, etc. This is an Americanized version of an Australian show that's a ripoff of Drunk History. Not original in the least and every episode is rinse and repeat. The stories aren't interesting or exciting or funny in any way. Helms and Park should be embarrassed.

  • A guy sneaks into the super bowl? Heard it.

  • A girl gets an allergic reaction at her wedding? So what.

  • A guy goes to a bachelor party he was accidentally invited to? Hilarious.

But I guess when you're getting paid, that can cover up a lot of embarrassment and shame. Skip it and watch Drunk History.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Damn it!
19 February 2022
I wanted to dislike this show. I intentionally avoided it because of my dislike, no hatred, of John Cena. The arrogance and smugness with which he comes across is so off putting. I was torn because I adore James Gunn. Then I kept reading all the rave reviews and bouquets being thrown at this series. I couldn't avoid it any longer. Gunn had me hooked from the opening credit sequence. I binged it in one day. My god he's incredible. His writing, his direction and his casting are always so spot on. Cena is great. Goddam I hate to say that, but he really is. Peacemaker is such a great character. Everyone of the cast play their parts to perfection. The characters are all cast brilliantly and all have their own set of qualities & traits that makes each one unique, complex and fun to watch. Just a great series overall. Can't wait for season 2!
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Murderville (2022– )
Great concept
6 February 2022
As a lot of reviews have said, pick your 'partners' carefully. Poor Annie Murphy. She definitely is not used to improv and needs a script. I hope this gets a second season. But they really have to select people who can improv similar to Kumail and Conan. Get people like Larry David, Keegan Michael-Key or, Arnett's ex, Amy Poehler. Or, go back to Arrested Development and call on Jason Bateman or David Cross. Hell, Michael Cera would probably be brilliant! Again the concept is great, and Arnett is hilarious. He carries the show. Let's get a second run but this time they have to NAIL the casting.
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Well Done
22 January 2022
It's a shame that there are less than 1400 votes for this doc. It just goes to show that the message isn't getting out and not enough people are aware of the issue. If you're a fan of the film industry, none of this is probably news to you. Not only are there great powerful female actors, directors, writers, producers, etc getting the message out, it actually has the data and #s to back that message up. It is very well done. And for those complaining about a male director, 19 of the 24 producers are female. My guess is that they decided who would direct this and they went with whom they thought was the best choice.
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Great film, fun & emotional
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this minutes after my second viewing. I was worried my rating (9.0) may have been heavily nostalgia based. And, after a second watch, I can confidently say it's not only nostalgia. This is a great film! One thing the MCU has gotten right, across the board, is in their casting. Tom Holland is wonderful as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. His range as an actor is phenomenal. He handles comedy, drama and action seamlessly. Holland, along with Zendaya and Jacob Batalon make a fantastic trio. They play off of each other wonderfully.

Cumberbatch as Strange, once again, delivers. His role as a mentor of sorts to Peter is great. His line to Peter, atop the Statue of Liberty, 'everyone who knows and loves you, we....' and with that, Strange has a catch in his voice. That one moment shows how much he's grown to care for and admire Peter. He and Holland have great chemistry.

Now to the nostalgia! Maguire, Garfield, Molina, Dafoe, Foxx, Haden Church, Ifans and Simmons! This was fantastic! The writing, the story, the interactions and call backs were all done wonderfully. Seeing Maguire & Molina together, Garfield & Foxx, the interactions between all the villains was great fun! Doc Ock's ark, for me, was the best of the bunch. Seeing him be redeemed was beautiful. Garfield, getting his redemption for Gwen's death was also a truly beautiful moment. Garfield seemed like he was having an absolute blast, as did Dafoe & Molina. All three were huge huge highlights.

Aunt May's ending was an absolute gut punch. I didn't see it coming and maybe I should have. But her death was as emotional a moment as the MCU has had. (Minus Tony in Endgame, or any hero deaths from Infinity War). Marisa Tomei will be missed.

All in all this was a great film, with tons of fun and emotion. Favreau's Happy Hogan didn't really have a place here. It seemed he was there just for his apartment and the Stark tech he had hidden away. Other than that, he offered nothing to the film. I love Favreau, he started all of this (along with RDJ) but he was not needed here. I hope we get to see both Maguire and Garfield return again down the line. They showed that all 3 of these actors, in their own way, have made Spider-Man/Peter Parker their own. And each iteration can be great without taking away from the others.
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Good Fun
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching, and I must say, the ending had me in tears. I hate the phrase 'fan service'. How does remembering an icon, such as Harold Ramis, come across as pandering? The man was gone way too soon and deserves to be remembered. I would have been satisfied with the little hints we got of Ramis; the opening scene, chess, guiding Phoebe along her journey, etc. But I have to admit, it was great seeing him in the end. He's one of those actors/writers/directors who is beloved. Yes it may have been a little over the top, but Harold Ramis deserves it.

The film overall was a lot of fun. Rudd, as always is just charming as hell. The young actors did a great job as well. All in all, it's an enjoyable film with some great call backs to '84. A good contribution to the series as a whole. The '84 version is legendary. A film that will be remembered forever. Forever being a relative term. People need to stop comparing this to that. They're not on the same level. Not all films can be something that captures the zeitgeist. Some films just need to be enjoyed for what they are, and this is a fun & enjoyable film.
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18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My initial rating here is a 7. That be more for nostalgia than the actual film. I truly enjoyed the first hour plus but then, man, I don't know what went wrong. I love Michael Myers. I can sit and watch any & all of the films with enjoyment. They're certainly not all good and some, are truly bad. (I'm looking at you Halloween 6). This one left me feeling hollow, almost empty. I love Halloween (2018). I know it has its detractors but I really think it's the best sequel of the bunch by a mile. The ending was perfect. I had no idea how Michael was going to survive but knew he would. This one, I don't know how you justify his survival here. Shot, stabbed, beaten with bats, stabbed again, beaten again, shot again. Somehow he keeps getting up? He's able to get back into the house and kill Karen? The ending, really the last 20 or so minutes, were not good. I feel as though the filmmakers really ruined what had been a great retcon. I can't see where they go from here. If we get the cult bs or 'he's more than a human' garbage that we got in Halloween 6, I will be utterly disappointed and truly ticked off.
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Halloween (1978)
Great Story & direction, some awful acting
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nancy 'Loomis' Kyes and PJ Soles nearly ruin this entire film. Why in gods name did Carpenter think they worked? He had worked with Nancy previously. She's awful. Her death scene may be the worst death scene in cinema history. Her eyes keep moving, they are open then close and then, after she's dead, they open again. And don't get me started about her on the gurney at the beginning of Halloween 2. Again, it's all in the eyes. And Soles is just more of the same. Just another god awful actress. What I don't get is that Carpenter hits on his casting with Dr Loomis (Pleasance is a legend), Sheriff Brackett, Nurse Chambers, Laurie (Curtis in her first ever role), even the kids Tommy and Lindsey aren't awful. I watch this film religiously each and every year. The more I watch it the more I can't stand Kyes and Soles. There is absolutely no authenticity to their roles. It's actually gotten to the point that it causes me to dislike large portions of the film.
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Expectations too high?
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Slightly disappointing, and not as fun as I had hoped. I preface this with, my expectations may have been entirely unattainable. It's a good film but one that could have been great.

Let Down: The African American assassin doing it all for his daughter. Didn't we see this in the first Suicide Squad? I loved Idris Elba's performance, it was excellent. But the arc is the same as Deadshot's. It felt like rinse and repeat. The soundtrack didn't seem to flow like we see in other Gunn films. Some of it felt a bit forced or out of place. I felt Gunn loved the Rated R aspect entirely too much. Some of it worked, but in other places I was saying to myself 'ok we get it'.

The movie felt disjointed for a good portion of its run. When they cut between the scenes with Harley and the scenes with Task Force X, for an extended period of time, it felt like two separate movies. Not the typical 'when they finally get the team back together it will be incredible' feeling you get when we have these set ups. For example, GOTG 2. We couldn't wait for Rocket, Yandu and Groot to get back with the main team. There was build up, excitement. Here it just felt too disconnected.

The Good: Again, Elba's performance is great. The heart of the movie for me was Ratcatcher 2 and Polka Dot Man. The emotion and the feeling with these two characters truly resonates. And Robbie as Quinn is great, unfortunately we don't get enough of her.

The Surprising: I am not a John Cena fan. Something about his smugness really bothers me. He's great here. Does a great job as a sadistic Capt America or Homelander for our The Boys fans. Loved King Shark as well. I thought it would be as a ridiculous as a talking tree but, as with Groot, I was wrong. It absolutely works and Stallone was great! Finally, Flagg's ending. I couldn't believe how much I felt in that scene. I didn't love the iteration of Flagg in Suicide Squad. But here, Kinnaman brings it in a big way. And Waiti, for his short time on screen was brilliant.

Overall, 7 out of 10.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Holy Smokes!
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a hell of a start for this series. Hiddleston and Owens are magic together. Somehow I'm just realizing that Hiddleston has great chemistry with everyone, maybe he has a little something to do with that? The man is a great performer and playing Loki must be like a sliding on an old pair of comfortable slippers. He just falls right into the role. The variants, the varying time lines, the universe that this show is about to open up is going to incredible! I am concerned that this episode relied on retelling some old narratives and letting us see so many familiar faces and things we loved in the past. I hope that's not the reason it was such a great episode. I'm hopeful it was only nostalgia and this series will be great on its own. Perfect start!
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This franchise needs to end
2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Have been a fan of a few of these movies in the series. And when it comes to Fast & the Furious, suspending disbelief has been necessary for awhile now. But this one, this is where it all goes south. Let's start with characters. Somehow everyone that exists in this universe is interconnected. They have to rewrite history and retcon almost everything to make it work. And, speaking of characters, why do the villains always have some redeemable quality at the end? They're never truly 'evil'. They're only evil until the next movie when it's revealed that they're less evil than the newest Big Bad to appear. Brian, Brian is relegated to a babysitter now? My god. Just kill the character off. All these others come back from the dead but the actor that really is dead somehow remains alive off screen?

The set pieces have gotten beyond ridiculous. No one is ever bruised when a car jumps 500 feet across a ravine and flips 12 times. But get punched in the face by Don Toretto, and you're a bloody mess, scarred until the movie ends. Oh, and SPACE!! Seriously?

These movies have become a vanity project for Vin Diesel to flex his muscles and show you what a 'man' he is. He somehow has to always get the beat down on the bigger, more muscular tough guy. They keep casting these big bulky ex wrestlers for him to beat down. I think Vin feels like this is all real. And that he really is some sort of a super hero. This is just plain garbage. Skip it, I wish I did.
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2 June 2021
What a great series. Kate Winslet, unsurprisingly, is phenomenal. She completely nails the character of Mare. She's raw, exposed and incredibly authentic. The entire cast is great. The chemistry between Winslet and Jean Smart is unmatched. Their relationship felt as real as any mother/daughter portrayal I've ever seen. The series is heavy and dark but delivers on all levels. All these people are so fleshed out and developed, it feels like this community could really exist in any small town in America.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
Cosmetic procedures and Corden are too distracting
28 May 2021
Why do actors/actresses still think cosmetic work is a good idea? Perry and his teeth, Cox and Aniston with the Botox, lifts, etc. It was incredibly distracting. Even though Leblanc put on a few pounds (who of us hasn't the past 17 years) he and Schwimmer and Kudrow looked great. All natural, aging gracefully. Corden sucked, as always. He's not funny, never has been. It's ALWAYS about him.

The best part was watching them all reunite, the read throughs and call backs. That was all great. This could have been an incredible reunion, falls flat. Too many distractions and unnecessary nonsense.
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A lot of fun
21 May 2021
Very fun film with some truly funny moments and good to great action scenes. Dave Bautista does a wonderful job here. I've always been a huge Dwayne Johnson fan, and he has had by far more commercial success, but he has nowhere near the range of Bautista. He just shows so much more range than the traditional athlete/entertainer turned actor. The man has the ability to carry a film. Overall, a fun experience and very enjoyable.
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Good Film Better Soundtrack
1 April 2021
Steppenwolf is greatly improved. I remember watching the original release and thinking what a weak, uninteresting villain. He is so greatly improved here, he's like a new character. All of the characters are improved upon here. Yes, more time helps but so does editing, dialogue, and music. The soundtrack is so damn good, it's almost it's own character. I admittedly have not been a huge fan of the DCEU, but this film really does make you want to see more. To see where Snyder was going with all of this. The idea of the entire Knightmare future being its own film is incredibly exciting. Unfortunately, it looks as though we'll never see it.
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WandaVision: Now in Color (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
You guys don't get it
22 January 2021
For those complaining about it not being funny, disliking the canned laughing, etc; this is not a comedy and is not intended to be. The canned laughter is a device used to create the illusion of a 60s or 70s style sitcom. This show is a mystery/thriller that focuses on the madness that has now taken over Wanda. She is creating all of this in her own mind. The story is pulling us into her delusion. It's not designed to make you literally laugh out loud.

The first two episodes were average to good. This one was great. The tension within those last few minutes was palpable. I'm hopeful it continues to get better.
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