
43 Reviews
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A Better Plot than The Witcher Series
28 May 2024
Thankfully, someone put to the screen a Witcher story that reflects the origin story better than any other has done before. And it was about time. I was getting tired of the story lines which were based upon the game (which did NOT tell the origin story in any way, shape or form). For a show with elves, monsters, mages and magic, the characters were more believable and acted out emotions that are sorely lacking from the first three seasons of The Witcher. Henry Cavill was never a proper Witcher and the only thing he did correctly was grunt. Realizing that Cavill FanBoys will be triggered by my statement, I state unequivocally that they are nothing more than gamers who want to see personal fantasies play out on screen. And, the combat scenes were better choreographed in Blood Origin than in The Witcher.
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A Masterpiece of Film Making
14 March 2024
Before I get into all the mind blowingly wonderful things about this film, there are a few caveats: 1) It is an absolute "must" to see "Dune" before watching "Dune: Part Two"; and 2) It would be best if you had read the books before watching either movie. There is so much packed into this movie that having the back story down before viewing will add to your enjoyment. The cinematography is beyond anything I've ever seen on the screen. The word "sweeping cinematography" comes to mind but that doesn't portray how breathtaking it all was. BIG shout outs to Rebecca Ferguson, Austin Butler, Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya for their acting. By the way, the hand-to-hand fight scene between Butler and Chalamet is exceptionally choreographed and must have taken many weeks of rehearsal (usually, I'm yawning at fight scenes). I want to go back and watch this movie 4 or 5 more times to make sure I gleaned all possible nuance. They could have split this movie into two feature films and we'd still had an overwhelming amount to unpack. I've heard that there is incredible scenes which were left on the cutting room floor. Director's Cut, anyone? And I usually despise Director's Cut because they are narcissistic indulgences yet I want one for this film. Bring on Part Three and even more.
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Long Shot (2019)
Enjoyable and Funny! And a Date Night Movie.
1 March 2024
Full confession: I didn't see this movie in the theatre. I didn't even see it until 5 years after it was released. Yet, maybe that was the best thing to accidentally happen. Because here is the deal: we take our politics way too seriously. So, it was fun to see the entire political scene get a simultaneous smack-down and thumbs up. Since it is a Seth Rogen film, it definitely is not safe for children to see (lots of sexually explicit jokes and swearing). The film was silly at times and certainly could never occur in real life. And maybe that is the take-away lesson. Maybe out politics need to be funnier, more honest, and a little gritty. The biggest surprise of the film is that the Seth Roger/Charlize Theron romance actually works. The two actors played off one another perfectly. I really liked this movie. And nobody is more surprised by that than I am.
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Because Shere Hite Shaped My Adulthood ...
13 January 2024
When the "The Hite Report" was published, my earth shook. And my outlook on life entirely flipped. For the first time, I was able to open myself to love and experience all the wonderful things which accompany that. I often wondered what happened to Shere Hite and am thankful to now know the answers. I want to thank the documentarians who made this film. It allowed me to remember the beauty of Hite's soul. Though she approached women and their sexuality with scientific precision, she revealed to women how to be happy and yes ... even playful with our partners. And she reminded us that we have every right to expect comfort, excitement and gratification in the bedroom. Hite is, and will always be, my hero.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
A Fresh and Refined Take on an Old Theme
7 January 2024
How many times has this story line played out in past movies and TV Series? Hundreds? You all know what I'm talking about: The righteous vigilante is our antihero and we all excuse the violence shown on our screen. Frankly, it plays to the juvenile male mentality and has been overplayed in film and TV since time immemorial. Yet, welcome to "Daredevil" and Good Gravy! I love this show. Thankfully, we are presented with the best possible revisitation of this tired trope and keep wanting more. I've watched all three seasons as well as "The Defenders". Please bring us more Charlie Cox and Daredevil. I'll take whatever I can get.
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Meg 2: The Trench is campy ... But not in a fun way.
2 January 2024
I am certain that this film was made for the sole reason of giving the actors and crew a reason to go on location in Phuket, Thailand. I expected the film to be a bit of fun or maybe have some funny moments, but nope ... that didn't happen. My viewing standards have changed over the years so maybe I simply cannot get into these sort of movies any longer. And here's a very strange observation: Anyone in the cast who had a villainous role was a poster-child for bad cosmetic surgery and/or 'roid use. The only character I liked was DJ (Page Kennedy) who is reprising his role from 2018's "The Meg". I liked him because he seemed like the only half-way believable and sane actor in the entire film. And the monsters were cartoonish.
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Rebel Moon - It Could Have Been So Much More
22 December 2023
First of all, there were some flashes of wonderful in "Rebel Moon". The set designs were superior. The plot line was certainly laid out for us ... easy to follow and very easy to root for the good guys and for the bad guys to be vanquished. The movie certainly had its share of good actors who knew how to carry the load. Those are the positives. The negatives were overpowering. The film lacked subtlety, nuance and was heavy-handed to the nth degree. I felt as if I was watching a B-Movie from 1965. Or maybe it was more akin to a sub-standard video game from 2000 that was geared toward adolescent boys. There was over use of slo-mo and overemphasis upon machismo without character development. Sometimes it seemed as if I was watching a bad Western. The musical score was the absolute worst. There was no score when needed and then it overshot its intended effect by utilizing short bursts of soaring vocals and kettle drums which (I assume) was supposed to transport us in a similar manner as we were by the score in "Gladiator". The next thing I knew, I was watching Ninjas fighting sexualized, anthropomorphic spider-monsters using demonic light sabers. What-the-actual-heck was that ? ! ? ! There is no director's cut that can save this mess. I wanted to like this film. I REALLY wanted to like it. Calling it a hot mess is being kind.
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Hidden Gem That You Will Thoroughly Enjoy
11 December 2023
You'll like this film. And you may even love it. In the saturation of apocalypse films, this one is original. It is slightly cheesy yet in all the best ways possible. The monsters are mutated bugs and animals and they were wonderfully done. And again (and most importantly) ... they were original. This is a feel-good movie. It is about the power of positive thinking. It is about friendship and staying true to those friendships. And above all, it is about keeping your humanity when faced with survival in a post-apocalyptic world. And last but certainly not least, this film is funny. Dylan O'Brien is 90% of this film and he never falters. Bring on more Dylan.
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The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Mat Gets the Best Line of the Series !!
29 September 2023
"Is this a sex thing or a murder thing? Cause either way, I'd prefer you skip the talking." When I heard Mat say this, I busted out laughing. GREAT script writing. The screenwriters truly need to be heralded. Just think what they need to accomplish: 14 books which cover approximately 2 1/2 years and the writers are trying to compact it all into what? Three, Four seasons? We'll be lucky to get five seasons in the current TV series landscape and so far, the writers have delivered in spades. Yes, the series has been restructured to accommodate the medium's time frame and they have successfully pushed the plot line forward along a path that faithfully follows the essence of the book while condensing (and rewriting) plot lines to reveal a true "Wheel of Time" world. I am MORE than happy with this series. I especially love the addition of Moraine's background and her sister, Anvaere Damodred (Lindsay Duncan) is a bonus which I didn't know I needed. One more episode to go. And I'm still wondering of the Horn of Valere will come into play with a big battle .... hopefully so. The big question is: Who will blow the Horn?
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The Wheel of Time: Eyes Without Pity (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
It Just Keeps Getting Better and Better
22 September 2023
This episode was Egwene's to shine and she met the challenge. I love how each of the Two Rivers group has been given an episode to highlight their story and to show their acting chops. We got a hint of Mat in this episode and hope to see more of him. I definitely hope that he stays far away from the influence of the Forsaken. Will he be the one to blow the Horn of Valere? The ending of this episode was intense. VERY intense. Will Nynaeve and Elayne be able to rescue Egwene from the Seanchan? Of course! By how? I'm on pins and needles waiting for the next week's episode and wish I could binge this all at once. I've gotten used to the bing-watching format and now prefer it to waiting for a weekly drop. I love this series.
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The Wheel of Time: Damane (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
"Wheel of Time" is following the books in an inexact yet faithful manner.
16 September 2023
Full Confession: I am a bit taken aback by the reviewers who are angry that this series doesn't follow the books exactly. Seriously? This is a TV series. It is not the written word. There are very, VERY few novels (or even actual history) which can translate to the screen in an exact manner. If I remember correctly, there were 14 books in "The Wheel of Time" series. And there were over 2,000 characters. And hundreds upon hundreds of locations. There is no possible way that could be translated to the screen in an exact manner. I am happy that the show runners chose a path which is faithful in essence. They emphasize that which is important and sometimes do it in a way that is different than the books yet true to the plot. Good for them. I appreciate the consideration. I'm loving Moraine. And Season Two has allowed some actors to shine. I especially like Perrin, Min and Rand. This is important because I wasn't totally convinced of their casting choice in Season One. I'm hooked. I'll be watching every week. And I often rewatch the latest episode before the next one airs (just to be sure I have all details set). By the way, there are several excellent covers of "Weep for Manetheren" available on YouTube.
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Ahsoka: Part Five: Shadow Warrior (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about "Ahsoka" reminds me of Star Wars movies IV, V and VI. And Part Five: Shadow Warrior especially reminds me of those movies. The training of a Padawan Ahsoka by Anakin has the same theme and pacing as those movies. And by the way, Ariana Greenblatt seems to be everywhere these days ... and no wonder because she is a wonderful young actor. As a reminder, she not only plays a young Ahsoka, she was a young Gamora, starred in the "Barbie" movie and also in the movie "65" (plus many more great roles). She is only 16 and already has an impressive resume. And nothing makes me feel better than the appearance of Captain Carson Teva (Paul Sun-Hyung Lee). Is is a coincidence that Ahsoka's droid has the name of Huyang?
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Another Good Series to Make Up for the Bad Ones.
6 September 2023
Ashoka follows the in the right footsteps. Thankfully so. I was disappointed in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series and also disappointed in The Book of Boba Fett. The Mandalorian was great in the first two seasons. Andor was spectacular and so far, my favorite of all the TV shows. Thankfully, Ashoka is a solid series that harks backs to the right standards. Hopefully, it will continue on this track throughout the entire series (I've finished with Episode 4). And Hallelujah! The brought back Captain Carson Teva who is one of my favorite minor characters. I'm slightly disappointed in the portrayal of Hera Syndulla. We'll see if she develops in the rest of the series.
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Enough With Tom Cruise et al in the MI Series!
4 September 2023
It is time to let go of the Tom Cruise era of the Mission Impossible series:
  • Cruise is over 60 years old
  • Hayley Atwell is over 40 years old
  • Ving Rhames is in his mid 60s
  • Simon Pegg is over 50 years old
  • Rebecca Ferguson is over 40 years old
  • Vanessa Kirby is in her mid 30s
These actors are all great. The writing was good. The actions scenes were executed to perfection. The plot line is so-so. My problem is that I cannot suspend belief when I'm looking at these old people who have the fighting and physical skills of a person who is decades younger. Listen ... I'm an old person myself. I was an good athlete in my younger years and have kept up my training. And I work out ALL THE TIME. Enough is enough. Move on. Yes, I know it is a movie and I'm usually pretty good at suspending belief because it really is just entertainment. Yet now? We're in the Twilight Zone of a nonsensical action movie.
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John Carter (2012)
John Carter is Better Than Its IMDb score. Give It a Watch!
3 September 2023
It has been over 10 years since this movie was released. I've probably watched it 4 or 5 times over the years. I do not understand why reviewers give it a low rating because it is a really, REALLY good film. I am going to make a guess that it wasn't well received because in current times, we know that Mars could never sustain life such as portrayed in the film (and the original book). Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the Barsoom series around 1912, which made this story still a fantasy, yet much more potentially believable. I especially liked Taylor Kitsch in the lead role and often thought he doesn't get the respect he deserves as an actor. Watch this film. If nothing else, it is a whole bunch of fun.
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The Wheel of Time: Strangers and Friends (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Characters Are True to Source Material
2 September 2023
There are some who are not happy that the plot does not follow the source material. Yet, I am happy that it does not. The characters are true to the book and superbly cast. I feel as if I'm seeing old friends who I followed through all of the books. Were there 14 of those books? I can't remember now yet I loved reading them. The plot line is making its way to the same eventual outcome that developed in the books. I can understand the reasons why the writers chose a different way to unfold the story. They emphasize what is important, such as the bond between Aes Sedai and Warder, the strong friendship between those of the Two Rivers, the evil of the Dark One and his disciples, the conflict between the different factions of the Aes Sedai. Season Two seems to have devoted more funds to production and special effects, which is appreciated. I'll definitely be watching every week. Oh ... and I love the Bonus Features.
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Man of Steel (2013)
A Look Back at This Movie From 10 Year Out ...
15 August 2023
First of all, I've been a Superman fan since I was a pre-teen when George Reeves was cast in the role on TV. We've come a long way since then and special effects/CGI has elevated the film experience to heights we could have only imagined. I put that all into perspective and appreciate each version of Superman according to the time frame in which it was filmed. When "Man of Steel" was first released, it didn't really grab me. Why not? It had the most incredible cast so what was it lacking? Looking back at the movie, I compared it to, "The Avengers" which was released within a year of "Man of Steel". The MCU had humor, humor, humor and in case you didn't catch it the first time ... HUMOR. "Man of Steel" did not. The director/producers attempted to insert total gravitas as its driving force and that translates to a cinema experience without punch/pizzazz. "Man of Steel" could have been any movie which portrays a struggle between any normal person's struggle to balance his biological parents/humanity/personal strength. And it didn't do it all that well. This makes me sad. As I've said, I'm a Superman fan.
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Mission of Honor (II) (2018)
A Point of View rarely considered by western allied countries
8 August 2023
Is this movie a wonderful cinematic film? No ... absolutely not. Yet (and this is a VERY big yet), it provides us with a view that we rarely see in Western culture. These Polish fighter pilots were heroes in the very same sense (if not more) that any WWII pilots were. And these pilots were not given their due. Those of us in the U. S. and in Western Europe have a distinct tendency to overlook or discount the sacrifices and passion of Eastern Europeans. And that is to our discredit. We owe it to ourselves and to the world to understand that democratic patriotism reaches far beyond the border of a few countries that we are comfortable in acknowledging. Watch this film. Broader your view of the world.
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Sound of Freedom is a Decent Movie and that is All
13 July 2023
I am trying understand the hullabaloo that surround this movie. The film is not top notch, nor is it horrible. It is just okay. The redeeming factor is that it involves a subject that we should all care about: human trafficking and specifically child sex trafficking. I can think of at least 15 other films that have dealt with the same subject matter; some much more effectively than "Sound of Freedom" and some less effectively. For some reason, the Right is pushing the film while the Left is not. My response is that I wish I'd sat this one out until it was available for free on one of my purchased streaming platforms.
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A So-So Movie With Some of the Best Editing EVER !
7 July 2023
Film Editing is what I look at in every film that I watch. Editing can make or break any film but sometimes, great editing or horrible editing leaps out of the screen. I have no desire to address the overall White House Down film ... because for the record, it was fun but not a blockbuster. Yet, the film editing blew me away. The film editors turned an "okay film" into a "fun, FUN, film". And there is one specific action sequence that deserves a monstrous shout-out: It is the scene where President Sawyer and Cale are on the White House lawn and the whole 'rocket launcher' sequence is masterful. From 1:18.41 to 1:19.19 there is one minute of pure genius. It has comedy, it has action, it has drama and it had me at the word, "Jackpot!". You need to watch this film for no other reason than that one minute clip.
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The Witcher: Reunion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Wish I Knew Why This Series Doesn't Do It For Me.
30 June 2023
I have now completed two full seasons of The Witcher and am watching Episode 3 of Season 3. I can't figure out why this series doesn't grab me. There are so many wonderful things: Great casting and acting, set design is creative and detailed, location selection is spot on, characters are fun. Yet, yet, YET ... I find my mind continuously straying while watching. This series does NOT captivate me. That is unusual because I love fantasy, intrigue, and conflict. So, if anyone could possible enlighten me as to why this series is annoying boring, I'd love to have your input. Yes, I'll watch every episode. And I'll probably simultaneously complete crossword puzzles or read news articles because the show certainly does not demand my sole attention.
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The Pacific (2010)
For Those Who Insist Upon Comparisons to "Bankd of Brothers" ...
14 June 2023
I watched both "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific" when they first were released. And I just finished watching both of the series again. There are some who wish that "The Pacific" had more character development before the plot lines showed fighting. Yet, that is exactly how the war in the Pacific evolved. Young men, barely out of high school, were so quickly thrust into the most intense and gruesomely disgusting fighting experience imaginable. Fighting on the islands in the Pacific was very, VERY different from fighting in Europe during WWII. And this series captured that difference perfectly. Everyone who fights in war comes back changed. Many who came back from island fighting during WWII were mentally disfigured. I love that this series doesn't shy away from that and shows more of the war's aftermath than BOB did. I am too young to remember WWII, yet I had Uncles and a father who fought in the Pacific. They couldn't talk about it in the same manner that those who fought in Europe spoke about their experience. Island fighting in te Pacific was a slimy, infested hell. Thank you, HBO for showing us truth.
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Ted Lasso: So Long, Farewell (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Life Lesson After Life Lesson After Life Lesson ... but doled out with a gentle heart
2 June 2023
I loved this entire show and the Season 3 Finale was almost perfect. It is rare that a TV show has such an impact on my daily life, but "Ted Lasso" has done it time after time. It has changed how how interact with people and all for the better. "Ted Lasso" makes me a kinder person, a better parent and a good citizen of life. I laugh, I cry, I cheer and I boo while watching this show. The show has more than heart, it has captured my heart. It is almost embarrassing how much I like this show and the way that I sing its accolades. One of the most fun aspects was watching the callbacks to previous episodes (example: the Kintsugi mending of the "Believe" sign). Also, the way it gives shout outs to other TV shows and to movies with subtle references. Watch "Ted Lasso". Watch it more than once.
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The Lost King (2022)
"The List King" is a Gem
10 May 2023
No heroes wearing tights. No high action fight scenes. No car chases. No laser guns. Therefore, the people who should be watching this gem of a film, will not ... unfortunately. Sally Hawkins reminds us (again) that acting can be art. Steve Coogan, Jeff Pope, and Michael Jones deliver a touching screenplay. I loved this film. I was especially drawn to the plot line that we often unfairly define people by their physical shortcomings instead of their strength of character. We would all be better humans if more films such as "The Lost King" were made. See this film. And for criminy sakes, get your teenagers to watch it.
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Best Adaptation of the Pan Story to Date
28 April 2023
With one exception, this is (by far) the best adaptation of the Peter Pan story. We finally understood the back story for Peter and Captain Hook. The cinematography was beautiful. Faroe Islands was a brilliant choice for depicting Neverland. The actor who played Wendy was finally true to what I imagined when reading the Barre stories. One big change is the Lost Boys are now Lost Boys AND Girls. The advantage to this is that it gets rid of the plot line that only Boys would be so stupid as to get lost, which makes the theme more inclusive so that Boys are not dubbed as "stupid". Bonus: The pirate crew was gritty and fun.
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