
25 Reviews
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Cold Showers (2005)
Ménage à trois
30 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the film itself, though deeply disturbed by the turn of the plot. The three of them falling into a Ménage à trois, seemed natural enough at the time, and obviously the sex was extraordinary for all three of them. But then Mickael goes psycho about it, and calls his girlfriend a slut! She is more realistic and existential about the fact that the sex was 1,000 times better than with just him alone. Mickael's puritanical backlash was so disappointing. Vanessa cannot get Mickael to admit that he enjoyed it.

I agree with some of the criticisms of the camera angles and film editing. It was not clear in the sex scene that Vanessa had sexual intercourse with Mickael as well as Clément, not until revealed later when Vanessa is discussing it with the school nurse. The scene is spontaneous, hot, and passionate - and leaves you wanting more!

But my disappointment is in the character of Mickael, and the outcome of the plot. It's a movie! It's just one plot of many possible. Well designed, well played - and when you find it disturbing, that is Art!

As many remarked, the film and situation are not "Gay" in the sense of homosexual attraction. But it is "Gay" in the sense of the Ménage à trois being a "Non-traditional relationship." Although this film is about Adolescents, the immaturity of Mickael can occur in most older people too. I have searched chat rooms for years, trying to find examples of people who have managed polyamorous relationships without jealousy or abuse. Even in fiction, it is usually treated as a transitory state with tragic endings. (See "Jules et Jim", "Cabaret") I still believe in the Possible!
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16 to Life (2009)
A Kiss for Kate
9 September 2010
A wonderful coming of age comedy that shows Hallee Hirsh is ready to move from Child Supporting Roles to Leading Lady. Trapped in her innocence as well as her Ice Cream Stand for her 16th birthday, Kate (played by Hallee Hirsh), interacts with co-workers and customers who seem to conspire to make her 16th birthday miserable This is Iowa! Trains, River Barges, and Combines move on past as young people feel trapped in small places and small roles. Small town life and characters are no match for the adventures Kate has read about from the Holocaust to the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

The story as written and directed by Becky Smith is comprised of many short funny scenes that could stand on their own, but weave an image of small town Iowa for a girl who is ready to grow up and grow out of her confinement.

I was lucky to get Ticket #1 to this sold out performance in Cedar Rapids, with Special Guests Becky Smith, Hallee Hirsh, Ryan Gourley, Nicholas Downs, and Vaughn Halyard. Becky and Hallee autographed my copies of their IMDb Film Credits. Let's make MORE Movies in IOWA! But for Now - kudos to Hallee - and a well deserved Kiss for Kate!
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Love is Not Obscene!
2 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So why is this Movie Rated 'R'? Is it Love? Inconvenient Love? The Passion one tries to ignore and resist when they've just married their 'Best Friend'? The guilt, that tears one apart, when one's partner is kind and deserving, but a secret desire becomes overwhelming?

Is it the Obscenely Beautiful Piper Parabo who could be so desirable to both a man and a woman? No Nudity, a couple of 'F' Words in anger. (from a Grandmother!) Maybe it's that the only Passionate Kiss is between two Women! This movie should be REQUIRED for Teenagers, not banned from them.

Even if you think you Know yourself and your Orientation, and have never been tempted to cross-over before, you can't discount the Societal and Family Pressure to do the 'Normal' thing - Marry a nice successful person of opposite gender and start procreating. The movie even features one philandering heterosexual, who will probably never 'Commit'. Now that could be Obscene. But instead, becomes powerful contrast to the purity of unconsummated Love!

Love can be Inconvenient, can have Innocent Collateral Damage. It's a Powerful Force. But Love is NOT Obscene!
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Really Adult Role for Amber Tamblyn
13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I rented this Video to see the developing talent of Amber Tamblyn. I own copies of her two Seasons as 'Joan of Arcadia', Watched her with 3 other Young Co-Stars who have all had their own TV Series in the Two Movies of 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants'. Even watched the painfully trivial 'Spring Breakdown', where she is still a Girl dealing with over-protective but well meaning Adults.

Finally! Amber Tamblyn gets a truly grown-up role as an Assistant DA, torn between her Boss, Mark Hunter, played by Michael Douglas - and a Scheming Investigative Reporter who Plays Her;(Irresistible Pun). The Reporter, C.J. Nicholas is played by Jesse Metcalf. Of course Amber, as Ella Crystal, falls in love, and in bed with Nicholas, and falls for his proof of innocence as well.

All unravels when her keen eye discovers one piece of evidence that reveals more than one lie, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
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Nobel Son (2007)
Is it Psycho Drama, or Psychodrama?
1 January 2010
What an amazing cast of performers with familiar past credits, Danny DeVito, Mary Steenbergen, Alan Rickman, Ted Danson, and Eliza Dushku! But put together in amazing chemistry with young men Bryan Greenberg and Shawn Hatosy.

Rickman, most familiar as Professor Snape from Harry Potter, is even less lovable in this character as a Nobel Prize winning Chemistry Professor, Eli Michaelson. Steenbergen, who has played an understanding mother in 'Joan of Arcadia' is born for this role of Psychology PhD / Detective / Loving Mother and Tolerant Wife of the philandering Professor. Danny DeVito goes beyond the Comedy roles you've seen from him before to be a sad little recovering mental patient, still struggling with his OCD.

Who's the biggest Psycho? Is it the Professor's son Barkley, working on a PhD in Cannibalism? Is it the scheming criminally insane Illegitimate Son Thaddeus? Or is it really the lovely Eliza Dushku playing Poet/Artist/Easy Lover named City Hall? The Plot is as twisted as the characters. But don't shy away from the early gruesomeness or you will miss a truly great Psychodrama. Or was that Psycho Drama?
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The Hangover (2009)
Gross Disappointment
30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Hangover is one of 5 Nominees for the Golden Globe 'Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy.' I don't see how this could make it to #5 out of 5! Heather Graham as an Escort is the sweetest thing to come out of this movie - really, her character is sweet, bright and charming, unlike anything else herein. Don't expect this one to make the Oscar short list.

There is some mildly funny original music, as the Dentist sits down to a piano and sings "Stu's Song" - a summary of the plot thus far. Familiar tunes are tritely placed, and the Wedding Singer is as gross as the rest of the plot.

Violence, Pain, Property Destruction, Deceptive Abusive Relationships, Injuries, Drug Abuse, Vulgarity in front of Children, Throwing Money around like it doesn't matter, Trashing a Hotel Room and Automobiles - these things make me uncomfortable, not amused.

My idea of Fun is something I Can Remember and Want to Remember., I'm hoping I DON'T Remember any more of this Film.
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Young Talent
14 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad I saw this movie before reading any of the other Comments here on IMDb! As a 63 yr old man, I see at least 4 good movies per week, and a few bad ones.

I was drawn to this movie by AnnaSophia Robb, and hope to continue to see everything she does. As one who fell in love with her in "Bridge to Terabithia", and thrilled with her acting but not so much her bratty Character in "Sleepwalking", I wanted to see her alive and well and thriving. Hey, in this movie she is all that and more, she even has adorable Superpowers! (I went to theater to see her in "Jumper" but she's only in the first few minutes.) This is the first movie I've seen with Alexander Ludwig, playing Brother, Seth to AnnaSophia's Sara. He was brilliant in the part, and I hope to see him again, with or without his superpowers.

It was a pleasant surprise to see, even if in a minor role for Chris Marquette as Pope. Chris played Adam in the "Joan of Arcadia" TV Series. He played slightly flawed but ever lovable character, and not that different here as a Government Rookie. I'm always pleased to follow any of the cast from that show.

I was not drawn to see Dwayne Johnson, but as Jack Bruno, he brings a strong balance to the young players. Garry Marshall, Carla Gugino, and others bring a wealth of credits to the table and are a credit to their parts. And Why is Cheech Marin as the Reluctant Mechanic Uncredited?

I have to mention the amusing and entertaining irony of having our real Space Aliens at a UFO Convention full of crazy looking caricatures of other favorite Sci-Fi Movies and UFO Psychos! I didn't care if this was a remake, or copies of other characters, or whether the special effects were perfect or believable. After a steady diet of heavy Academy Award nominated movies for the last 6 weeks, I gave this movie a 10 for pure absorbing entertainment and a fabulous showcase for the developing young talent.
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Intelligent Humor
19 August 2008
Scarlett Johansson doesn't rip my heart out with emotion in this film like she did in 'A Love Song for Bobby Long', or 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', but it's not that kind of movie. I have now seen 12 of her movies, and this is one of 3 that I rented for this week. The premise that her character is treating her Nanny stint as Anthropology research works for me. Having studied Anthropology and some related socio/psychology fields in college, I subscribe to the concept that we all live in social systems. The New York Upper Eastside, may have it's own quirks, eccentricities, and blind sides, but so does every other Human Social System. The writers have compiled believable characters from actual experience as New York City Nannies, and formulated them and themselves into an interesting and amusing drama.

This may not be the Funniest Comedy or the most Emotional Drama that I have seen of Scarlett Johansson, but it was entertaining while intellectually stimulating. I love Scarlett in everything she has done, even tho some roles and some movies are not over the top, her performance and amazing beauty always are. From 'The Horse Whisperer' to 'The Other Boleyn Girl' I have committed myself to see every movie she has ever done.
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Wide Awake (1998)
Classic Shyamalan!
21 July 2008
I got to see this movie this weekend. I had to BUY a copy to get this one, and I Loved it. Maybe I have been slow to get into M. Night Shyamalan movies. I saw "Sixth Sense" and "Lady in the Water" close to when they came out. Then after "The Happening" I decided I had to see ALL of his Movies in the last couple of weeks. I'm glad I saw most of his works and some DVD Extras before I saw this one. If it had come out AFTER some of his better grossing movies, this might have been appreciated as one of his best ever! (Following "Sixth Sense" and "Signs" anyway.) I feel that this movie may be a bit Autobiographical, and would love to confirm that with something more than Movie Trivia correlations. I can't believe this early in his Movie Making he gets Rosie O'Donnell, Camryn Manheim, and Julia Stiles to play supporting Roles! This is the same guy who gets Kids into Roles BEFORE They get Oscars!

Shyamalan's works are always more than one layer of meaning, as might be hinted in double entendre of the Titles. I see Josh's search for God, not as a doubt of his faith, but as the first search for the meaning of the faith he saw in his Grandfather.

There are so many reason's I loved this film besides the obvious art of Writing / Directing of Shyamalan and this wonderful Supporting Cast that I mentioned above.

The hints as to Shyamalan's personal history? The fact that the character Josh has both parents as Doctors; Josh at an Early Age seeking more Meaning in Life than his peers; Josh in a Parochial School. I'm sure there's more I missed, and will view again when I am more Wide Awake.
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Stardust (2007)
Are Stars watching Oscar or Oscar watching the Stars?
25 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If this film isn't worthy of a few Oscar nominations, we are in for an incredible Fall Season! I had a hard time picking a movie to see yesterday. I had already seen most of the big hype cinema, and some genre's just didn't appeal to me. So I picked Stardust, knowing only what I could read on about the first page of IMDb. A few big names in Supporting Roles, Adventure / Fantasy / Romance Genre, a setting bordering a magical realm, where a young man is going on a quest to prove himself to a pretty woman he pursues.

I was not prepared for the incredible impact of this movie. And still, what was it? There are familiar plot elements from many popular movies and fantasies. Kings, Princes, and Princess, Witches and Magic, Pirates, Ghosts, Transfigurations, Adventure and Love. But is a Story Line I had never heard of, well intertwined with Action, Comedy, Peril and Yearning.

Was it the Stellar Performances of Supporting Roles, like Michelle Pfeiffer, as Lamia, a desperate aging Witch losing her Youth and Beauty? Robert De Niro playing the Pirate Captain Shakespeare turned Fairy Godfather? Sienna Miller as the vain and fickle small town Victoria? Was it the Music that supports every scene, even with adaptation of the familiar Classical "Can Can"? Was it the Role or the Actress, as the Beautiful and Talented Claire Danes, a real "Star" named Yvaine, teaches us the difference between Love and a Crush. Or watching Charlie Cox go from Awkward Young Suitor, to becoming a Man as Tristan?

What I discovered here is something far more important than watching Actors on a Stage, or a Story Line with Action and Plot Elements that can thrill us, Comic Relief that can amuse us. It's not what the Characters Feel and how well the Actors perform it. The measure of a Great Movie, is how it can make the Audience Feel. This Movie brought me along into it's magical kingdom, Anxious in Perils, and Yearning for True Love.
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Model Lust (2003 Video)
18 August 2007
See this movie for the Boobs. The naked ones, or the ones who wrote, directed or acted in it. It's Softcore Porn, that doesn't waste a lot of time on plot between scenes where 5 or 6 different pretty girls seem eager to get naked and get it on with some guy or in front of a camera. The Porn is as light as the Plot. The Girls and the Plot are cute. The Characters and their Relationships are NOT Deep. People who would want to see the movie could probably stop reading after my first sentence. But a comment about the MOVIE and it's genre should go further.

This is mostly male fantasy, a notch or two above typical Porn work. Many girls do go to Hollywood to "Find Themselves" or "Get Discoverred" as a Model or Actress. In the Male or the Female fantasies, they never have financial difficulties, never have to work hard, never have to learn anything, and find instant success as fast as the instant gratification of zipless sex.

This is "Nice Porn" or Soft for what you don't see. No Genitals or Penetration, No Drugs or Drunks, No Coercion, some mild Violence but it's not in the Sex. Nobody seems to think about STD's or contraception or morals. It is Male Porn because people have sex based on physical attraction and lust, not respect or relationships.

The Girls are passably pretty. The actresses (or Characters?) are people I could like -- fun, adventurous, amorous. I might even rent a few other movies just to see them again. For Entertainment, not everything we want to see has deep meaning or complicated plots. Some days, it's just for the boobs.
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Stateside (2004)
Gotta Love Her!
6 August 2007
By far her best roll yet! Rachael Leigh Cook is so lovable in this role it hurts. I've been collecting her movies recently. Maybe first noticed her in 'Blow Dry', then had to see her in "Nancy Drew" on the Big Screen, then picked up "Josie and the Pussycats" from Local Library. By then I'm Hooked, so any movie I can't Rent or Borrow from the Library I'll buy on just to see everything she ever played. Rachael was adorable in "Sally", but where I thought that was the epitome of understanding Mental Illness - this movie jumps Far Beyond into the world of a Talented Singer/Actress slipping into Schizophrenia.

The first few scenes are a bit confusing, as we are introduced to the Characters and set up the situation. But by the time the two young lovers meet, we are ready for the Love Affair of the Century. Can True Love survive years of separation, and Mental Illness? Can Imperfect Human Beings Love each other just as they are? Can people sacrifice their own gratification for the good of one they Love? If this filmed earned an "R" Rating, it is more for the Sexually Explicit Language than it's Nudity or Situations. The blunt talk is realistic for characters of this age. Overall, this is a very Moral Film about Love and Redemption. It left me More in Love with Rachael Leigh Cook, and More Romantic about Love!
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Hairspray (2007)
Remake into Musical Hit!
23 July 2007
I don't usually like ReMakes of old Movies - but this is an Extension of the original John Waters Movie that does great credit and honor to it.

I have so many reasons to connect with this movie BESIDES loving the original version. I lived in Baltimore around 1987-1989 when the first version was being filmed. I LIVED the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. I remember my Older Sister hurrying home from High School to watch afternoon Teen Dance TV! The John Waters Cameo is hysterical in the middle of the first big Number! I loved every Song, and most of the Dances. What a Holistic double whammy to see Brittany Snow in ANOTHER 60's TV Dance Show! I loved her in American Dreams and just spent a weekend watching EVERY Episode of that first season - hoping to get ALL Seasons to see again! Seeing her as the Evil Amber Von Tussle was a bit weird, but she really knew how to play it.

Allison Janney and Amanda Bynes - who woulda thought they could be such perfect Pingleton Mother and Daughter. Loved them from Prior Roles, adored them here. Wish they would have done the original scene of Mom Prudy Pingleton going downtown to rescue Penny from Motormouth Maybelle's Record Shop. Using John Travolta's Edna Turnblad for This scene was the only disappointing departure from the original plot for me.

Nikki Blonsky as Traci Turnblad may be a Newby, but her performance kept up with a Terrific all-star cast, like Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Jerry Stiller and others listed above.

I smiled from the start of the first number, and I was in a Late Afternoon showing PACKED with Teenagers - who Cheered and applauded at all the right times - like they UNDERSTOOD what it was like to Live through this time of life!
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I-MAXimum Loved it!
11 July 2007
Yes, after reading all The HP Books 2 or more times, I found much to love in this "Illustration" of the "Order of the Phoenix". Our Cast has developed as have their characters - From a Darker, Moodier, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry, to a Rule Breaking Emma Watson as Hermione. Maggie Smith as the uptight McGonagall now turns some of her Ire Against an Authority figure (Umbridge)!

I wanted MORE of Everything, except maybe more Screen. I plan to go back and see this at least one more time on a big FLAT Screen. The IMAX was great for large Outdoor shots, but distorted Indoor scenes too much. I'm sure I'll have to get the DVD when it's out. I hope it has at least a half hour worth of Deleted Scenes. The Pirates - At World's End had 168 minutes of runtime, and OotP with 138 left a Lot more story untold!

I wanted MORE of the New Characters - Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood is truly a Lovable Hit! Please give her MORE Screen Time and Dialogue! Natalia Tena as Nymphodora Tonks was also great to watch, but don't expect to understand her Shape-Shifting Facial Contortions if you didn't read the book! Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal of Bellatrix Lestrange was predictably evil, as those who saw her in "Fight Club" would know she could. Maybe it's hard to mention Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge, because it's so easy to Hate the Character from her first appearance in the Trial.

I really missed a lot of scenes from the book, like St Mungo's, where we should have been introduced to Neville Longbottom's parents in a more graphic way. The Battles were Graphic, but not at all as Detailed as I had imagined, like all scenes from the Ministry of Magic. So even if you saw the Movie FIRST, you Still MUST Read the Book to get it All.

I just got out of the IMAX Theatre less than an hour ago. It's amazing how much of this plot could be compacted in to 2 hours of screen time - and still leave me wanting MORE MORE MORE!
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Evan Almighty (2007)
Amusing AND Significant.
29 June 2007
My original Title for this review was "OMG! What a Cast + Actors too!" Which may have been a bit too tacky considering the feedback I have received.

WHen I went to see this movie, I was expecting a sacrilegious slapstick comedy. I was satisfied with sufficient sight gags and cheap humor that kept it funny, but did not destroy serious moral lessons or reminders in the Plot. The importance of supportive family, respect for our "God-Given" environment, Faith, Integrity, the price of corruption. But I found myself MORE awe-struck with the grand scale of the Ark and the Animals.

I had a wonderful sense of the Scale of the Original Noah's Ark, and felt connected to the historical significance of this massive construction task with Biblical era tools. I was amused and amazed at the range of animal scenes, especially the humor in their contributions to Ark building. A comedy of immense scale and record cost, but well worth it.

Congrats to all the major players, who did not disappoint me from previous Roles, Especially Morgan Freeman, John Goodman, Lauren Graham, Steve Carell in that order. No disrespect to the Newer or Younger players, where I had no Expectations -- all fine for their roles.

So, enjoy the Humor, Love the Animals, Admire the Actors, Identify with the Struggles and Doubts of the Characters, be Redeemed in the underlying Themes, and above all, for God's Sake, See it on the Big Screen!
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Sally (2000)
Stellar Performance in Mediocre Movie
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I recommend this movie for the same reasons I had to see it, to see a stellar example of the acting abilities of Rachael Leigh Cook. Others in the cast and plot gave surprisingly credible peek into the lives of the Mentally Ill and Presumed Mentally Ill, who might just have treatable issues. The plot leaves you wondering if the Mental Hospital staff might be more sick than the patients, but in less visible ways.

Rachael Leigh Cook gave me what I expected in a plot with twists and turns that demand emotional response. It is Far from her leadership roles in "Josie and the Pussycats" or "Strike!" (Also known as "All I Wanna Do"), far from the Gentle Nice Girl in "Blow Dry" or "She's All That" and much more dramatic than her role in this year's "Nancy Drew". She has proved to me that she is a Beautiful Woman with tremendous future Potential, if we could just get her on the screen with More A-List Cast, Plots and Crew!

This Movie, as with "Girl, Interrupted" (Filmed in the same Location) or "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" has a sensitive treatment of Mental Patients with Narrow-Minded to the point of Abusive Caretakers. Even the disabled have some right to a real LIFE and DREAMS! One of the filming Gimmicks becomes it's weakness, when scenes filmed from only one point of View - leave you wondering what's going on with other people in the Scene who are not showing. There is a gap between a Gunshot and a Hostage that leave you completely confused as to what happened.

Oh, and while I'm there - There is a beautiful "Sexual Situation" with Rachael Leigh Cook's character, Beth, and Bugs, in which you Know it's Sex, but there's no on-screen Nudity - as with several such implied situations.

Michael Weston turns in a perfect performance! David Goldsmith also as an Actor and Writer, but I am left wondering if this could have been a better film with someone else Directing.
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Still Crazy (1998)
Aging Performers
16 June 2007
Bill Nighy playing the lead singer with relationship, financial, and past alcohol / substance issues leads this movie and provides most of it's comic value. This is not his Greatest performance, but adds a lot of depth and range to an actor I first noticed in 'The Girl in the Café.' Where did I get the idea that he could only play stodgy old bureaucrats? I have certainly seen Nighy in some Great Movies, but don't always come away remembering his parts like I will from this one.

Juliet Aubrey brings heart to this film, as one who has moved on, but still feels the call of these crazy performers that she loved.

I wasn't that crazy about this movie. There will be viewers who will love it more based on credible backstage drama of getting rock star egos together to perform, not just in their Youth, but years later when they carry the baggage and scars of their earlier dreams.

I don't know how this film got an 'R' rating? Drugs and Sex are real part of the Rock Band environment, but do not seem to be glorified in this film. Per the plot - these characters paid dearly for the substance abuses of their youth in Death, Separation, and Lost Loves. There's not enough Vulgar Language, Nudity, Drugs or Sexual Situations to deserve more than a PG-13! (Maybe for an 'R' I was disappointed there wasn't MORE!)
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Nancy Drew (2007)
PG Expectations!
16 June 2007
I really enjoyed this movie. I am a single dad with a 17 year old daughter who is smart, athletic and talented. I WISH my girl applied herself so well to solving crimes and helping others! So for me, perhaps this is PG level Fantasyland. I read many Nancy Drew books in my teen years, long, long ago. Sure THIS character was ably played by Emma Roberts but did NOT resemble the Nancy Drew I recall from the books. That is due to script, not the acting.

Emma is an adorable teen, playing a self-confident, industrious and proud character with good manners and good taste. She is not caught up in the trendy competitiveness around her. There are some weaknesses in the Plot, aside from not resembling the Nancy Drew of the Books, and trying to figure out what decade we're in. (like, what is that CAR, Anyway?)

I read the IMDb overview before seeing the film, as I was researching Rachael Leigh Cook from other movies. This is not one of Her best roles, but I will continue looking for more of her films. Rachael was too old to play this lead, but does a fine job as the grown-up orphan central to the mystery.

I am very disappointed in other reviews written here. Some expect perfect connection with the books, some expect more credible situations or adult action film. I got what I expected! Good entertainment well targeted to young teen girls, And their Fathers who want good kids with high standards of conduct and achievement. This is a Teen PG Movie, not James Bond! Which would YOU Want for a Role Model for YOUR Teenaged Daughter?
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Blow Dry (2001)
Cast and Fun - Sitcom with Farce and Meaning From H Potter fan!
16 June 2007
What a fantastic cast! Harry Potter fans will be immediately reminded that Alan Rickman was our Professor Severus Snape, not only by his appearance, but by his snarling speech early in the movie. But will all Potter fans also recognize David Bradley from his role as Argus Filch? Who cares if Josh Hartnett get his accent right - he gets his Part as young son of Rickman and Natasha Richardson (as Shelley) who left the marriage for a Lesbian affair. This is a Situation that I can relate to as my wife left me for a Lesbian Relationship six years ago and we still share life and nearly grown children in the same community. The strains and bitterness are real, and so is the occasional necessity of pulling together as a family in spite of heartbreaking disappointments. CHARACTERS with former GREAT Roles! Bill Nighy as the competitive Ray Robertson in one of his greatest of Many great roles too numerous to mention (tho I've seen nearly all of his Award Winning Performances now.) Rachael Leigh Cook is story-book perfect as daughter of Nighy, falling in love with Hartnett in the competition family. Her role in 'Nancy Drew' is not her greatest, but find her in 'She's All That' or 'Strike!' and you'll want to see more of her as I have. Rachel Griffiths is beautiful as both Model and Lesbian Partner, and this relationship is given fair play as serious love. Heidi Klum is also beautiful in her share of sub-plot.

But again, so what if the basic setting of a British National Hair Styling Championship is a bit farcical with stereotypically gay Hair Dressers! Or even if some of the acting appears silly! The action is Fun and Funny, while setting stage for very real life drama. That is GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!
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Sex Is Comedy (2002)
Sex and Sexy!
14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a fascinating drama about the Making of a movie. The Actor and the Actress really can't stand each other, but we build up to a scene in which they are to have sex - she for the first time, per script. The actress shows little emotion on or off camera in the plot, aside from she is freezing in the early scenes on a beach. The actor is self absorbed and increasingly defies the direction of the Director, Jeanne. I could not help being drawn in to the drama of 'how are these two possibly going to ACT their way thru a Sex Scene?' That drama in itself becomes more exciting than the actual nudity and foreplay performed for the cameras. Not that Roxane Mesquida isn't lovely and worth seeing naked! However, there is a pretty young stage hand who walks thru a few scenes as an extra. I think that is her in the far left edge of one of the pictures (2 of 9) here in IMDb. I don't even know if this girl is credited, but when she walks by (fully dressed of course) in confident indifference with her short blonde hair -- SHE is Sexy! WHO IS THIS GIRL???
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Aging Radicals
21 April 2007
And I thought I was a radical activist in my student years of the late 60's. I was aware of rising social consciousness, rebellion against materialism and corporate greed. I was not aware back then how world wide the phenomenon was. I am still surprised when I find evidence that breaks with tradition and convention were going on in Poland, France, and well, yeah, Switzerland? And from the mid 70's on, I can relate to the pressures to find our place in a world of work - constantly seeking meaningful employment in a system that rarely reflects our new values. These characters, Organic Farmers, Creative History Professor, Sketcher of Animals, Proofreader, Grocery Cashier, and more are still seeking meaningful lives and relationships. Even in unorthodox sexual experimentation they seek meaningful respectful relationships. I am Labor. With my intellectual pursuits, study of French Language and foreign Cultures, Humanitarian Concerns, Respect for Nature - I thought I would be so much more in my life. As these characters, who seem to slowly accept the existential realities of that post 60's burst of Hope - we now pass those hopes on silently to our children.
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Lie with Me (2005)
Deep Craving
18 November 2006
I saw this movie a week ago. It's not big-studio, big fanfare, big stars. For the genre it's in, it still has some powerfully credible inner searching, credible sex, kinky voyeurism, and believable emotional drama. Sub-plots include sensitive treatment of elderly parents that seems out of character at first, but develops a lot more depth to the main characters. The Sex and Nudity is beautifully filmed - sometimes playful, sometimes intense, only superficial when that's what the plot requires. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the acting, the plot, and those insights that give us 'redeeming social value'. The cast includes at least 4 stars who need to be seen again: Lauren Lee Smith, Eric Balfour, Polly Shannon, Kate Lynch. (Of the last two, I can't recall which was the 'Girlfriend' and which was the 'Cousin getting Married' -- but both were valuable supporting roles with excellent lines that deserved more quotes.)
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Inorganic Chemistry
18 November 2006
The plot is an interesting concept but poorly developed. The scenes and settings do not support a premise that any "Chemistry" is being developed. But then again, it's really a spoofy take on some Mad Scientist chemistry using the "Scientist" as his/her own Test Subject. And Maybe some subtle implications on the chemistry between the characters. There may be enough voyeuristic watching the Lab thru a window to imply some kinky experimentation. I lost count of how many scenes included full frontal nudity - some worth more than others, but most of the Make-out scenes were a little too gymnastic and lacked credible passion. The actors have very few credits to their name. I would take time to see a bit more of Jeff Xander and Raisa Ivanic. For low-budget light entertainment - I'd still bet this movie was a lot more fun to make than it was to watch!
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Sisters (1991–1996)
Who we Are and How we Got there?
24 August 2006
A brilliant series about four very different sisters and their relationships - often shadowed by the "Child Within" flashbacks of their childhood relationships. The Cast Summary should have started out with the LEADING ROLES: Sela Ward as 'Teddy'; Swoosie Kurtz as 'Alex'; Patricia Kalember as 'Georgie'; and Julianne Phillips as 'Frankie'. Their mother, daughters, husbands and lovers added to a brilliant cast of regulars and cameos. The intricate writing of difficult situations and the childhood reflections, make this more than entertainment, but a sensitive way of understanding and loving every one of these characters. Even the philandering father, who wanted a Son so bad he named all of his daughters with male nicknames - tho deceased in the timeframe of the series - carries an important and forgivable role.
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Brothers (1984–1989)
Brilliant and Sensitive
24 August 2006
This Showtime TV Series was one of the most Brilliant and Sensitive TV Sit-Coms ever written. The rapport between the flamy Donald, and the homophobic Lou was hysterical. It's a shame the episodes are not more completely documented here on IMDb. The acting by Star Robert Walden as Joe Waters may have been his best, tho he is obviously better known for his more serious role as Joe Rossi in the Lou Grant series. Philip Charles MacKenzie as Donald Maulpey may be playing this flaming gay role as Stereotypical, but is always the character with the most brilliant answers to life's common problems. Hallie Todd, as Joe's daughter Penny, was not in every episode, but unforgettable when she was. It is a true measure of comic genius, when the writers and actors who can make you laugh hysterically episode after episode, can also make you cry. I miss this series and wish I had Every Season on DVD or VHS or Reel to Reel. It is more than entertainment, it is great education in human relations and gay issues.
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