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Could have been better
20 June 2024
I haven't watched the Guns of Navarone so I can only surmise that with the caliber of acting compared to this movie. It had to be better .

And after reading up on the plot of the actual books , the Guns of Navarone follows the books plot more closely compared to Force 10 which does not. Now lets get to this movie - after watching it a couple times , i got to see some of why it didn't do well . The dialog is really bad at times with characters delivering lines that were probably not supposed to sound comedic but come across as silly. The acting is average at best , we have some miscasting as well - While Shaw is good as Mallory , Fox is not right for the role of Miller - the character in the books is supposed to be American but here he is a wise cracking boring Brit and rather wishy washy. Ford also I think is miscast as Colonel Barnsby , Ford was only 36 ,still looking very young at the time and just off Star Wars so I didn't buy it , that and in real life , to make Colonel would take 20-25 years meaning he would have to be in his 40's or 50's. His acting is a bit stiff too. Franco Nero was handsome and good in the role of the spy . Carl Weathers did not belong in this movie nor did his character , it was almost a move to include a black actor to be politically correct , his acting was terrible and his character was no more than comic filler and irrelevant. Richard Kiel was a joke and looked like a corny bond villian. Barbara Bach's character had too much screen time and according to the books writer was not a main character so why did she get more time , probably to show her boobs for the guys in the audience. 7/10 - Shaws prescence helps but not enough to carry the whole movie , Weathers ,Bach and Kiel drag it down . Ford and Fox phone it in pretty much.
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The Flintstones: Hawaiian Escapade (1962)
Season 3, Episode 10
Betty and Wilma are the worst.
8 February 2024
In this episode Betty and Wilma are fawning over some Hollywood phony resembling Cary Grant. They see him doing all these ridiculous things on TV and assume that it's real. And like a lot of women do they compare their husbands to that and laugh. Fred of course can see right through it and realizes that the guy is the phony and doesn't do all those stunts.

So when there is a contest to win a role on the show that this phony is in Wilma writes a letter using a phony name for her husband and telling the studio that he is a world champion athlete and that he wrestles dinosaurs and so forth. When they get to Hawaii Fred finds out that he only has one line but then when they read Wilma's letter again they decide to make him a stunt man doing all these dangerous things while the phony just sits back and does nothing showing Wilma and Betty that he really is a phony and does none of the things that they see on TV.

So in my opinion this was Wilma and Betty at their worst - using their husbands to get a free trip and fawn over a phony.
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Three's a Crowd (1984–1985)
Doomed to Fail
6 January 2024
The whole behind the scenes to the setup of this show doomed it to failure. When you read about how Ritter snuck around and alienated his cast mates from Three's Company was an omen. Then you have Kline and Knotts declining to be in it which was also a bad sign not to mention DeWitt getting blind sided by walking in on the interviews for Jack's girlfriend Vicki . I mean 3's Company needed to end , the characters had gone as far as they could and the recycled plotlines were boring and unfunny and the actors were getting too old to keep playing these fun loving single roommates. However the rush job of wrapping up the roommates storylines so Ritter could sneak into 3's A Crowd was terrible - Janet meets a guy and gets married over the course of 3 episodes ,Terry finds a job in Hawaii and Jack also meets and falls in love with a very imo unattractive girl named Vicki all in the same few episodes. I'm sure audiences didn't like it and of course it was hard to believe that Jack would have settled just like that and with a girl like Vicki. I watched the pilot of 3/s A Crowd and it wasn't funny and you can tell the same writers from 3's Company were also the writers of this show because they couldn't figure out what to do with Ritter who was a ham and kept borrowing from 3's Company's old plotlines by having similar plots of misunderstandings and the same tired Ritter doing slapstick and probably ad-libbing .

The only thing good about the show was Robert Mandan who played Vicki's father James. He was funny but unfortunately wasn't given much to work with and usually ended up in the background trying to keep Ritter from hogging everything . I give it a 3/10 for him but a 0 for everything else.
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Good Times: Florida's Homecoming: Part 4 (1978)
Season 6, Episode 4
Ben Powers Keith is the worst
4 January 2024
I never liked the character of Keith. The whole falling down and busting his knee . What was the guys knee made out of glass? And then the whining in this episode when he was looking right at JJ when walking down the aisle, it was his own stupid fault for tripping over JJ.

He also was so callous to Thelma , she should have slapped him silly.

I'm glad that Michael stood up for JJ and Thelma and got in Keiths face about how he was having to postpone college to work so he could help support Keith and Thelma living at the apt and how JJ paid for their wedding even though JJ lost his job and wasnt too smart by going to ghetto thug sweet daddy for a loan to pay for it when he had lost his job.

It just showed how bad the character of Keith was to the show.- in later episodes he gets drunk, slaps thelma and even in the series finale , he was still a jerk .
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Sex and the City: My Motherboard, My Self (2001)
Season 4, Episode 8
Seriously Stupid Carrie
22 November 2023
Most of SATC is really stupid and this episode is no different .

How does a person who relies on a computer for 100% of their job not backup their work or for that matter not know about backups .

It just was really ridiculous that Carrie acted like a totally ignorant idiot. And then we have Samanthas stupid orgasm problem .

Who the F cares ? I mean Miranda's mother died and these stupid selfish women are worried about their stupid petty problems while poor Miranda is suffering . I wanted throw a brick at the TV.

I know it's 22 years old but some of the things on this show are so stupid even for 2001 . It wasnt like it was the 80's 1/10.
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Sad but excellent episode.
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Arthur Hill shines as Charles's heartbroken father in the 2nd part of a 2 part story.

In this episode he ends up living with the family and gets to know his grandkids better especially Laura. Laura and he eventually end up fixing up the small soddy he lives in with some plants and a patio. However the happiness doesn't last long ,when Laura goes out riding she is rather ignorant to a barbed wire fence and her pet horse crashes through it and gets mortally injured while the grandfather runs up in terror thinking Laura has been hurt badly. When they discover her horse has been mortally wounded, he promises her that he will try to make it better and mend the horse ,when deep down he does realize that the horse is mortally wounded and will need to be put down.

When Charles arrives at first he agrees that the horse needs to be put down but then when Laura says you promised he goes back and tells Charles that he'll mend the horse to which Charles looks at him saying you can't do that, you know this horse is mortally wounded and when he tells Laura there is no other way, she accuses her grandpa of being a liar and runs off. Later on the grandfather returns to where he is living and discovers that all the pots have been smashed on the patio he immediately realizes Laura has done it and it breaks his heart. Laura has a nice conversation with Mr Edwards who explains to her the gist of things and she realizes how wrong she had been to call her grandfather a liar and to hate him so she runs back to find him only to discover he is gone with a note left behind.

At the end of the episode they do catch him before he boards a train and he does stay with the family but eventually he does want to go back to his old home. There is a voiceover from Laura at the end of the episode about that even though he left and eventually passed on, that he knew they loved him especially her.
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Good but a disappointing ending.
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite episodes because it features the return of Arthur Hill as Preston Giles. After spending 6 years in prison he is paroled under suspicious circumstances by a member of his old publishing house. Ulterior motives of wanting to get Jessica back over to their publishing house starts the ball rolling.

Giles runs into Jessica on purpose at her hotel in New York and at first she's stunned but then as they talk she realizes how painful it is.

He reveals to her the reason for being there and his heart just isn't in it and then he gives her an envelope which is supposed to contain royalties from a previous book that was published by his publishing house. However the envelope ends up containing something much more valuable than money as Jessica is beaten up over it. The robber who beats her up eventually ends up being murdered himself with Giles taking the wrap. Blackmail ends up being involved which is why the robber was murdered and now Jessica has to find out who the real murderer is before It's too late.

All through this episode I was so hoping that Preston and Jessica would realize that they still have deep feelings for each other and that maybe they might rekindle something. Especially during the flashbacks of the first episode which shows how they became involved with each other. Still though you can understand Jessica not wanting too since Preston did murder two guys who were blackmailing him in the very first episode of murder she wrote. Towards the end of the episode after Giles is bailed out, he surmises exactly who the killer is and as Jessica and the detective discuss it ,it finally dawns on her who the killer is and realizes that Giles is in danger. By the time Jessica and the detective get to Giles office ,he has been shot twice and the killer has been caught by the detective trying to flee. Now for the disappointment, Jessica calls for an ambulance but Giles ends up dying in front of her. And in his last breath, he tells Jessica about a tape recording, once Giles knew that the killer would show up in his office he left a tape recorder running to catch the killers confession. The scene ends with Jessica listening to the tape. I wish they would have had her hold him in her arms and tell him that she did love him in a way but instead it goes from him dying to her standing up to listen to the tape.
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Another dirty room nails this nasty place in Nola
17 October 2023
I always find it amusing to watch another dirty room because they always find the most disgusting places and this one is no exception.

I've actually been to the Empress Hotel and went into it when some friends were staying there a few weeks before the ADR guys filmed this episode and it was disgusting. I was like why are you guys staying here and it was during a gay event and there was no other places to stay but I was like I would have rather slept in my car. I mean you could have taken Uber and just stayed a little ways out of town. I do remember going into the room and it was falling apart and the mattresses and box spring had plastic sheets on them and I thought oh my god after seeing this episode I wonder if they were sleeping on urine .

And it was just like they said they ended up having to leave their room key when they were going out of the hotel just to have to ask for it back going into the hotel. I kind of walked in with one of them just so they could show me without having to deal with the front desk and it did look like a crack house.

I could only imagine if I had one of those UV lights how disgusting it would have looked, I'm trying to remember the air conditioning and there was a TV that was precariously balancing on a shelf and the bathroom was disgusting. I remember they couldn't shut the hot water off because that's all that came out of the shower. I think I also remember somebody trying to open the door to their room because the lock was really flimsy.

I think I asked them how much they paid and I think it was twice as much as the ADR crew paid and I was like man you should have turned around and got your money back and just drove a little ways out of town and took Uber. And abandoned prison cell would probably have been better than the rooms in this place it should be condemned and torn down. ADR nailed it , as the two guys said at the end of the episode I wouldn't want anybody ever to stay in this place it should be torn down.
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Murder, She Wrote: Witness for the Defense (1987)
Season 4, Episode 3
Patrick McGoohan bearded is a delight
6 October 2023
Im watching this episode and I found Patrick McGoohan so charming and handsome that I almost forgot about Angela Lansbury and Juliet Mills. His performance as the defense attorney is a delight as how handsome he looks in a beard. I wish he had done more roles bearded. His quaint and pompous attorney is the perfect foil for Lansbury and Mills. It's nice to see stars like this guest starring in a TV show and giving a top notch performance especially McGoohan and Mills.

Would have liked to see McGoohans lawyer character written into more episodes. Watching him made me want him to hold me in his arms.
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Little House on the Prairie: A Wiser Heart (1981)
Season 8, Episode 5
Disappointing episode
30 August 2023
This episode was really disappointing because the professor was a scumbag who should have been brought up on charges of sexual harrassment and fired. But instead all he does is get cold cocked in the end yet still gets away with flunking Laura for not sleeping with him. And I also wanted to slap Eliza Jane for being so ignorant, whoever does the writing should really be slapped as well because Laura should have come right out and told her what a scumbag the guy was and Eliza Jane needs to grow a pair I mean my goodness how long is she going to act like this little shy two year old. If anything the professor really should have been taken to the cleaners and fired and Laura should have received a passing grade. Disappointing.
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Sad episode and Almanzo is a jerk.
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a rather sad episode regarding the Eliza Jane subplot. She has painful shyness and self image insecurity and it's a shame that she could not overcome it and express her true feelings for Harve. Instead she spends most of the episode beating around the bush with him, he ends up telling her that he is interested in another woman so when she finally decides to tell him how she really feels it's too late as he's decided to marry the other woman. It's a shame that something wasn't written in to say maybe have Laura or even Caroline speak with Harve and tell him exactly how Eliza Jane feels about him and that she was painfully shy so that way he would know and give Eliza the benefit of the doubt one way or the other.

As for the Almanzo and Laura subplot Almanzo was being a male chauvinist pig.

The old fashioned thing that women should not work or be barefoot and pregnant is such bs even for the 1890s etc. So in his mind if a man can't support his family then they should just starve. If I was Laura I would have dumped him on his head and found somebody better.

One final note- it seemed to me that the character of Eliza Jane might have come across as a closeted lesbian too. Bookish, shy, gets along with women better as she mentions to Harve. So even though she seemed to have fallen in love with him she could have been suppressing feelings too.
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The Bob Newhart Show: Old Man Rivers (1973)
Season 2, Episode 7
Jeff Corey in a cute guest starring role
18 August 2023
I didn't watch much of the Bob Newhart Show when it was on TV as I was a little kid. But years later I've managed to catch an episode or two and this one was kind of a cute little episode where Carol falls in love with her doctor who is much older than she is. Jeff Corey guest stars as her doctor when she goes in for surgery and she falls in love with him. The only thing I didn't get is people that would criticize their relationship with him being about 60 and her being 30. Most people would seem to be shallow and assume that she was a gold digger because he was a wealthy doctor but I mean lots of older men date much younger women , and these women aren't after their money .Carol was definitely not after his money,she just found him mature and kind and sweet. When she's talking to Bob and Bob asks her how she feels about dating men her own age, she responds , Bob when I date men my age it's not called dating it's called weekends and at the end they're spouting women's lib at me and having me pick up half the check.

I found Jeff Corey very adorable and cute.

I most certainly would have dated him for sure. His features were very mature and handsome and he sports a very beautiful beard. It was nice to see at the end of the episode that they were still together and Carol decided to ignore the naysayers. I'm going to explore other episodes to see if Jeff Corey is in any more of them because it would be nice to see her still with him pursuing the relationship.
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Talented cast suffers from bad writing.
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here is an example of a movie that has a terrific cast but even they cannot overcome the poorly written material. Hackman stars as Harry Mckenzie - a man turning 50 who is obviously bored with his married life to his wife Kate played by Ellen Burstyn. Its so obvious they are just plodding along and somethings gotta give ,at his birthday part in their house with the kids and grandkids- they look so depressed and hardly want to look at each other let alone talk. So Harry goes to his local bar to celebrate his 50th birthday after this home party and even though their daughter Sunny prods Kate to go with him, Harry subtly dissuades her to which she agrees.

Now lets play the cliche game. Lets really lay it on thick by having Ann Margret all bombshelled up as a busty bar maid compared to Burstyn's overly frumpy old maid appearance - its really unfair - even when Burstyn has a makeover- she is still a very plain unattractive woman.

And sorry but I just dont find a woman like Ann Margret being attracted to Hackman for more than just a one nighter.

Her character of Audrey is a tease and regardless of her monologue about her life, she is still a homewrecker. We never see a justification on Harrys part when he at first treats it as a fling until Audrey forces his hand to dump his wife. I dont buy it. Harry is written as a no good cheat who doesnt seem to care about his wife or care about anyone else ,alienating his family and friends . His explanation of wanting a 2nd chance by dumping Kate rings false, while Kate obviously is bored with him , his reasoning sounds more like the same tired cliche of a man wanting a hotter piece of backside and lieing to get it

Kates character is badly underwritten too.

Burstyn is never given the chance to flesh out Kate- she is automatically frumped up, wearing an old maids apron and has little to do. She cant defend herself and its hard to see why anyone could put up with her. Well,at least she didnt treat him as bad as he did her.

In the end, I really hated Harry - his character was so badly written and he came across as this uncaring selfish jerk. And Audrey was no more than a selfish homewrecker herself.

Id give them a year tops before Audrey dumped him when she realizes she can go find a younger ,wealthier guy.

The only characters who make this movie watchable are Sunny and Helen( harry and kates daughters)- played by Amy Madigan and Ally Sheedy respectively. Madigans angry portrayal hits home in the scene where she confronts Harry in a bar and Sheedy shines in probably the best scene of the movie when she has a serious talk with Harry the night before her wedding. 6/10.
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Recycled slapstick that offers little surprises
11 December 2022
Really , in my opinion another sequel that was uneccessary due to the fact that it is not a continuation of a story arc, it is yet another sequel that was made to cash in on the success of the original. Just like with Jaws and the countless other movies that only had sequels because of greed of hollywood.

So here we have the same awful McCallister family, they treat Kevin like crap again , his cousins are the most disgusting bunch of mean spirited people even worse than the first movie . And why does the father keep inviting his mooching useless ahole of a brother along , the guy pays for nothing and yells and threatens Kevin at every turn. I mean , the father is paying for not only his own familys trip but his cousins and inlaws. The y are all a bunch of useless mean spitited people who care nothing about anyone but themselves. They insult Kevin ,call him names and at the end of the movie , do they care about Kevin no. Buzz blames Kevin for everyting that happens when it was the familes fault ,I mean after they all get on the place to Florida ,wouldnt they notice that Kevin was not on the plane with the other kids. And for that matter , Buzz causes most of the grief when he gets Kevin in trouble before they even go on the trip. It just makes me sick to watch his family onscreen . The first time I saw this movie ,I was hoping that someone anyone would give Kevins family an earful and tell them what an awful bunch of people they are and punch that deadbeat Uncle in the mouth.
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Home Alone (1990)
Movie is only watchable when Kevins family aren't onscreen
11 December 2022
I can only watch this movie if I fast forward past the scenes with Kevins family. His parents are ignorant uncaring people as are his cousins who are the ugliest meanest kids ever. His Uncle is a lowly POS mooching ahole as is his bullying foul mouthed toad of an older brother. I hated all of them and wished the plane the were on would crash . There is one scene where the POS Uncle tells his wife to steal the silverware they are given on the plane .

I mean what a scumbag.

The best parts of the movie are when Kevin and the 2 bumbling crooks Marv and Harry are onscreen. There's also a scene with the older neighbor in a church that is really tender and heartfelt. Even after the family returns at the end of the movie, they still show little concern or sympathy for Kevin after leaving him alone- they are selfish mean spirited people who just walk away and leave Kevin by himself again . 7/10 - I take away 3 stars for the awful family .
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Looper (2012)
Implausible mess
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with this movie is well this movie. For one thing , the plot being linear doesn't work for starters. Let's move on to the many plot holes and paradoxes starting with the whole thing of sending people back 30 years to be killed makes absolutely no sense. Why cant you kill them in the future? I mean everyone has guns etc ? - I mean if youre gonna do that , you could drop them into a volcano etc. And of course the time travel grandfather paradox , Joe ends up killing himself in the past which would mean his older self would never have existed and well then youd have no movie . You cant have a linear time travel movie.

It's the same thing that Back To The Future screwed up - if you have a linear timeline and someone went back in time and killed a younger version of you then you never would have existed in the first place which is a paradox ,. Youd have to have an alternate timeline in play otherwise nothing Bruce Willis character did in this movie would have happened . Also add bad acting to this mess of a movie 1/10.
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The Cleveland Show (2009–2013)
Black Family Guy.
18 August 2022
Nothing new that Family Guy hadnt already done albet worse. Cleveland is just the same doormat he was on family guy but this show is more mean spirited than funny. His kids are bland, the ex husband of his wife is a cruel scheming slimebag and his dad is a number one piece of trash who insults Cleveland every chance he gets. Its not funny either ,just ugly and mean. I give it a 3 out of ten for a few crossover episodes with family guy. Besides that its garbage.
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The Rape of Richard Beck (1985 TV Movie)
Good performance by Crenna
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Probably not as groundbreaking as one would expect but for 1985,it was definitely a subject that was never discussed yet happened a lot and not just because of a mans sexual orientation. Richard Crenna plays a straight cop with this macho attitude who thinks that rape victims bring it on themselves and even makes fun of them until he himself is raped by two men.

That's where the movie takes off as he deals with his hypocrisy. Fellow cops snicker behind his back, they think maybe he asked for it because of his actions. They may even think he is gay. His own father shuns him. And poor Joanna Kerns who plays his girlfriend gets abused by Crenna who throws her across the room and yells at her because It's hinted that for some time now he has taken advantage of her , Like showing up late for dates ,basically doing whatever he wants with her, so now he feels that she is a spineless victim who cant stand up for herself. Only after she's crying and leaves does he realize that he just took out his own insecurity about his manhood on her. Terrific performance by Crenna. Only negative is the part of the rape counselor portrayed by Meredith Baxter was terribly underwritten.
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Disappointing mess .
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After all the hype ,I went into this movie with excited hopes and left disappointed . Here I thought it was supposed to be about dr strange and the multiverse not wandavision.

The whole plot revolving around the scarlet witch made no sense , I mean the lead up from spiderman no way home ends up going nowhere. Special effects cant save this mess nor do random surprise cameos from Professor X , Reed Richards , Captain Carter from What If add anything.

I found myself falling asleep even during the action sequences. The only thing mildly amusing was Dr Strange against dark Dr Strange. Otherwise it's a boring mess with no payoff and of course an ending and mid credits scene that points to the inevitable sequel. Lousy.
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This isn't a so bad it's a cult classic movie. It's just plain bad period
6 March 2022
I don't get the wiki on this movie that it became a cult classic. It's garbage and beyond cheesy. It's just another movie that probably should have went direct to the doillar bin at the now defucnt blockbuster video. The acting is non-existent and the action is even worse than a WWF match . Fake and the actors all phone it in . The lead actor sleepwalks through his role and it's not even laughably bad - it's just absymal and the main villain is called sho nuff? OMG the actor who plays him is so ghetto trash garbage that he insults black people's intelligence . This movie made money because people flocked to see a black parody of bruce lee but it's more of a parody of people who think they can make a movie by copying all those bad B saturday afternoon kung fu theatre movies of the 70's. 1/10 and i wish i could rate it lower .
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Jaws 2 (1978)
The 1st of 3 abysmal unnecessary sequels.Garbage.
11 February 2022
Jaws was an excellent movie with top notch acting and terrific action. It was a concept that had not been done and it scared the hell out of us. A young Stephen Spielberg was brilliant in not showing us the shark until the latter half of the movie.

Now we get to Jaws2 too, a totally unnecessary and abysmal sequel. I mean Jaws had already let the cat out of the bag. This movie was simply made as a cash grab, Peter Benchley the writer of Jaws had nothing to do with it and even Steven Spielberg said there was no need to do a sequel . I'm not going to even go into how bad this movie is from an acting standpoint since most of the actors were unknown B type teenagers who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag. They spend the entire movie screaming and yelling like little whiny cry babies. And poor Roy Scheider who was obligated to do this movie as part of his contract with universal looks like he wishes that somebody would put him out of his misery in most of his scenes. He definitely deserved better and it's too bad that he could not get out of his contract to avoid doing this garbage. IMDb needs to start putting a 0 up for the ratings because this movie doesn't even deserve a 1. I would actually give it a minus rating if I could .total bomb.
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Batman (1989)
33 years later shows how even worse this movie really is
29 January 2022
I remember seeing this movie in theatres back when and thought it was average at best . But now that average has become garbage. When you really take a good look at this movie you can see how bad the sets look and how much overacting is done. Especially by the very ugly Jack NIcholson who is badly miscast as the Joker - I found him to be too old looking and way too out of shape for the role not to mention a total ham in his acting - (in the comics the joker is a skilled melee fighter with a lot of trick weapons not a paunchy old man who looks like he's having a BM most of the time). I'm sorry but i don't find Nicholson to be this high calibre actor either- he is a rather boring man to watch here. And whoever cast that short sh&& MIchael Keaton as Batman should have been kicked out of Hollywood. He is so unappealing and looks like a little kid in a Batman costume. He also overacts and a lot of the sets looks more like product placement for coca cola or six flags which eventually made rides based on this movie. Kim Basinger who also can't act was simply cast as eye candy for the young fanboys in the audience when Sean Young the original choice had a horse riding accident on the set , And the casting of Billy Dee Williams looks more like a PC move to have a black person in the cast since he has very little to do as Harvey Dent aka Two Face which ended up being recast with Tommny Lee Jones playing Two Face in the abysmal 2nd sequel "Batman Forever"

In conclusion, This movie like the awful sequels that Warner Bros churned out in the 80's and 90's looks more clownish and cartoony like the campy Batman TV show of the 1960's. Garbage. If you wanna see a good Batman movie watch the Christian Bale ones and burn every copy of these frauds that had Keaton,Clooney and Kilmer as Batman.
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Confusing and boring mess of a movie .
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A sequel that was too long in the making .

Having a 20 yrish gap between movies is akin to when they did the Star Wars sequel trilogy , warranted Lucas was such a grinch about hoarding the rights to make anymore Star Wars movies until like 2013 ,yet they ignored all of those excellent books that were written that took place after Return of The Jedi by Timothy Zahn and others, Instead we got a mess of a sequel trilogy that was both disappointing and felt like a sellout for money rather than story. The same goes for The Matrix Resurrections - when the masses were begging for a sequel 20 years ago and most of those people are now 40 and 50 and lost interest but their kids who are now in their teens and 20's gained interest . Yet again this movie looks lke it was written with a shoestring budget , it plods along with boring dialogue and a confusing plot that has Reeves back in the Matrix with no memory of his former life and Carrie Moss miraculously alive when she had been impaled by several rods of rebar in the Matrix Revolutions(another bad sequel written as a cash grab more than story). How could they rebuild her , I can't remember if she was cloned but she is now married to someone with kids and it turns out she also has been setup in a new life in the Matrix again. It's very confusing and the ending is such a redone copout of the First Matrix movie. Let's just hope they dont make any more sequesl to this mess.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Terrific Performances
18 April 2021
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I'm not a big Hellen Mirren fan but i do love Ian McKellen and I thoroguhly enjoyed this movie. It has a lot of interesting twists especially the shocking twist at the end which I felt was coming but not in the way I thought. Both MIrren and McKellen are perfect playing off each other. She the vulnerable widow and he the chamring con man . Also some supporting characters including her grandson make it really a clever plot. The only thing keeping it from a 10 for me was that it never explained how the 2 main characters singled each other out on the dating site. Spolier alert - since both characters had an agenda they must have hacked online accounts to find out info about the other especially Mirren's character.

Otherwise a very entertaining movie and stellar performances from MIrren and McKellen.
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Worst of the trilogy
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off , lets start off with the plot to begin with , it makes no sense Doc travels to the future of 2015 , finds out that Martys kids end up setting off a chain of events that ruins the McFly family. He returns to 1985 to tell Marty and Jennifer about it - so why do they need to go to the future to prevent it ? . This is where Part 2 jumps the proverbial shark more than the other 2 movies. Lets jump to Part 3 -the fax that Jennifer is holding at the end of Part 3 which was a fax of 2015 Marty getting fired in Part 2 magically erases- . Doc explains that their future isn't written yet hence the paper erased , of course the paper should have disappeared too in my opinion just like the tombstone disappearing in Part 3,.

So with that scene of the paper being erased, it would mean that 1985 Martys timeline hasnt been written in the future. So in retrospect , why would you need to go into the future when you are in your past and could easily prevent it from happening since you already know its going to happen in the future,

That's the whole problem here , you obviously have alternate timelines . When Marty and Jennifer of 1985 travel to the future of 2015 , how could they exist if they disappeared from 1985 , there would have to be an alternate timeline where they didnt go into the future and stayed in 1985 and got married and such until 2015 when 1985 Marty and Jennifer from their timeline arrive, so it makes no sense for them to go into the future since it wont be their future anyway but an alternate trimelines future.. Totally incoherent plot - the future doesnt exist yet at the end of Part 3 so that writes off part 2 . Sheesh.
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