
29 Reviews
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The Sounds (2020)
Nuanced and filled with depth
28 November 2020
The show is made by the acting of Rachel Lefevre. She is simply superb, with her character, her emotional range her decisions, the writing is really well done but really its the actress who brings out the role of Maggie on screen. The storyline is interesting and is cohesive. The scenery is beautiful, but it is the heartbreak and sadness of Maggie that made this show for me. Worth the watch.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Should have only cast Katee and Selma
28 July 2019
It could have been an intelligent show had the writers not inserted pointless sex in the show it did not bring character growth or add to the story it was just something to spice it up. Utterly confused writing made the show seem all over the place. Frankly had the cast only consisted of Katee Sackhoff and Selma Blair the show would've fared better the rest of the cast aside from the girl playing Cas had no emotional range; completely flat performances. Bad writing destroyed a potentially good show and wasted Katee Sackhoff and Selma Blair.
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Undercover (2019–2022)
Hard and gritty with a too slow pace at times
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The show has good production value and has a solid cast all round, the premise of the show has been seen before, Narcos is a case in point but Narcos this is not. The lead actor playing Bob has a great performance and so does the actor playing Ferry Bouman. However, the stand out performance is by the actress playing the character Danielle, she is the only redeeming character in the show, yes she may have made her choices but the actress finds the humanity in Danielle and she comes alive in a way the rest of the cast was unable to. The writing of the show could have been better there are a lot of cliches thrown in the usual husband cannot maintain a work life balance with a wife who cannot understand his undercover assignments despite, lol, I wish this cliche would not be used over and over again, it would be nice to see a supportive wife for once but I guess it would not make for good TV then. Overall the shows first few episodes are tightly written with the show dragging half way through. The actors stand out performances bring the show to life. The actress playing Anouk aka Kim, does her best however she does not hit the mark with her performance it sort of dragged on with her, it felt as if her character arc was incomplete. Overall a good show however could have had better pacing.
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Combustion (2013)
how to promote infidelity 101: what a shame
16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could get back the time I spent on this movie, how it even has a 5.8 imdb rating baffles me, may have something to do with the hot female lead and the car racing, more like a bland version of the fast and the furious with absolutely no plot or story line. It is frankly a convoluted mess with the lead male actor Alex Gonzalez having a perpetually annoyed look in the movie with no emotional range, he is also written as a flaky guy who will run out on a stable relationship given the chance, yes it is later revealed that perhaps his fiancee has made him change, mind you for the better, but this guy still wants to live in his bad boy phase. Then comes in the hot female lead who tries to capture the allure of a femme fatale, but the best she comes close to is a character who likes a bit of thrill here and there she cannot hold her own in this movie. The only character who made this movie bearable was played by the now famous Narcos actor Alberto Ammann, he has such a strong screen presence that the male lead in this movie Alex Gonzalez simply falls flat, Alberto Ammann makes this movie as the antagonist with a brain on his head. Also, I really disliked the message of this movie especially the ending, what is up with this movie, it feels like a promotion for infidelity and betrayal, completely lacking in reality, what would have been more interesting is if the two leads had been busted in the end, but this movie lacked any character to be honest. Watch it if you want to see what badly written movies are.
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The light that illuminates us within
13 March 2019
Jude Law's best performance to date as an actor, the show is no less than a masterpiece written, I don't think there is any other show which can capture the symbolism and story line. It is truly unique, the first episode captures only a part of what the series is about, it left me intrigued and curious. By the end of the series it was as if the show had shown me a part of life which I had not seen before. What is faith and what does it mean to believe, it is a light that flickers in a candle, which is made stable when clasping our two hands around it, faith is meant to be cherished and made strong gradually. This is what the Young Pope captures, the gradual strengthening of faith.
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Your Son (2018)
On the path to violence
1 March 2019
A slow burn and atmospheric movie, it is truly led by the lead actor José Coronado who plays the dutiful father, stoic and a man of few words, however, as the movie progresses we see layers to him, a man on the edge trying to balance. He has come face to face with violence within him spurred on by a violent act done to his son. He begins his journey trying to understand what happened, but by the end he does not care he needs to avenge his son who can no longer run with him or speak to him. The bond between father and son is captured on screen, in contrast to his distant daughter who in her own way is trying to do the right thing but then doing the right thing in this movie means choosing a side. The ending is a question in itself, what does vigilante justice really amount to, it is a matter of perspective is it not? Through the looking glass as they say. It is worth a viewing, only for the brilliant acting by José Coronado, it is sad to see the rest of the supporting cast could not match up to his on screen presence aside from perhaps the daughter acted by Asia Ortega who did not have much dialogue either, perhaps intentional.
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
Echoes of the nostalgic past
26 February 2019
Great writing and a great cast with each actor and actress making their character truly their own. Every moment in the show captures a feeling and makes for compelling viewing, every episode is written superbly. And the lead is truly Morse whose silence captivates you as much as what he says. There is a nostalgic touch to the entire series which makes you feel truly part of the time the show is filmed in, when perhaps time felt still and you were living in it.
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Vox Lux (2018)
Lights glitter and white noise
22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It is a different film, artistic and poetic. It tries to give a message which I believe is left to the viewer to decide, in the beginning we see Celeste young innocent and confident she does have that special something, over the course of the movie she becomes an adult, she is unhappy and lost and despite all the negativity and isolation she feels, there is a part of Celeste which makes her unique still, I believe it is her sensitivity to things which people can brush aside as oh it happened there to someone else, yes she also behaves this way but for Celeste it is different, she feels it all as too real because some part of her is still stuck in that moment when she first faced violence in her life. She suffers in her art and her life she is constantly fighting someone it seems but upon reflection it is as if she is fighting herself, her opposing views and feelings within. The Celeste who was once young, would not swear and was hopeful against the older Celeste who is cynical, believes life is about having an angle and relies on chemicals. Odd isn't it for in one of her songs she references how she doesn't need chemicals. The movie ends on an odd note with a supernatural tinge to it all and one is left wondering is it a metaphor for achieving success she had to give most of her old self up or did she really *spoilers* make a deal with the devil for life. I don't know and I think neither does Celeste as she drowns in the lights, glitter and white noise in her heart.
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Resonating loneliness through words unspoken but read
16 February 2019
It was truly refreshing to see a movie made on the mind of a writer struggling not only to keep afloat in a desensitized world but also to navigate her personal struggle of finding meaning in a lonely world. Yes, she may come across as rude or lacking in social mannerisms, but that is what makes her stand out, for she does not care for what others may think of her, she is self made and in her journey of finding literary excellence even though it is to make ends meet she discovers she has the power of the written word which helps her connect with everything around her. Even in her loneliness she finds the ability to write and with every word written in the letters she slowly unravels her own complexities and begins to understand herself. Melissa McCarthy's performance was understated beautifully and captured all the subtlety of a person struggling and Richard E Grant's character makes one realize the importance of having even one person to connect to without having to play a role. This is one movie you should watch for it makes you wonder at things.
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Solis (2018)
The feel of it all
27 October 2018
If you want to watch a movie on the basis of the emotions on display and with the premise of surviving with a voice telling you to go on this is your movie, I don't care for how accurate the Sci Fi elements were, I'm more interested in the fiction and how well the actors portray their emotions. It was a great watch because it made me fight for survival with the lead and gave me hope with Commander Robert's guiding Holloway to not give up, here's to not giving up.
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Private Life (2018)
like a smooth ride on an empty street
5 October 2018
Both the leads have such an endearing quality to them, their relationship seems so natural that you forget they are acting, the movie feels so real and makes the viewer become a part of the couple's life. Great acting, great writing on a couple's journey to become parents while holding on to their relationship. Simply endearing.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
What it takes to be humane or inhumane? Choice.
1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was a great thriller, the way they introduced all the characters and their arcs was great. Season 2 has been a let down unnecessary violence with giving Marty's wife a greater role ehh didn't make for a good story in my opinion especially Laura Linney's acting was not impressive, Marty and Ruth are the standouts the writers should have focused on them. Season 2s ending was horrible to say the least and *spoilers* giving Mason's child to the witch was what destroyed it. The extent of depravity this family has gone into is fleetingly reflected when Charlotte wants to get emancipated any sane mother would let her get emancipated from this toxic family,but nope the mother has to play the I'll do anything to protect my children clichè card. The selfishness of the parents is on full display and frankly except for Ruth and Marty noone really has any redeeming quality, the wife represents the heartlessness and false facade of sympathy. Ruined season 2 for me sadly.
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Ghoul (2018)
Horror and mystery mix
26 August 2018
The term propaganda is rampantly used for this show, I did not consider it propaganda it is set in a different time and the setting reflects a sectarian divide, it is fiction, it would have been propaganda if the show tried to impose certain beliefs on you. The show has an eerie feel to it I liked the atmosphere of the show and the acting was good. Take it for what it is a horror and mystery infused story with a religious touch. I feel the show tried to convey that the truth cannot remain hidden no matter how hard one tries.
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Voyeurism at best
19 August 2018
The premise draws you in, especially the political parts of season 2. The characters are flawed and broken but mostly come across as unstable. You don't understand why they do what they do, no back story, nothing is given. It feels like most are inhuman, except for Erica played by Anna Friel who was the most human of them all and tried to make her character come to life. And, even she didn't make sense. Just don't get this show. Skip it and watch anything else instead.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Lacking in depth
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is a well made show with good pacing and story telling techniques, but the first season's main character Cora wasn't able to draw me in the way she could have, it was a good effort on the actress' part to play a traumatized character but there was a lack of emotional connection with her character at times. The younger Cora was on the other hand played superbly, same with the sister Phoebe played by Nadia Alexander, both gave the show a refreshing charm which the other characters couldn't. The show leaves one pondering over what could have been done differently and makes one realize how fleeting time is and the choices we make the life we live impacts us tremendously. The main question left for me as a viewer was *spoiler* had Cora's mother been a more understanding mother could she have instilled in Cora the confidence she lacked to say No to certain situations. I did not like the overly religious and over bearing mother cliche in the show and the resulting daughter's lack of personality and character depth, moreover the stupidity of taking a sick younger sibling and putting her in a dangerous situation. Cora lived with guilt and trauma but for me the show did not put more emphasis on the decision and choices she had made irrespective of the fact that she had a very difficult childhood and did not know better. It was more of side note that she went there and was with this person and all this was pitted under the heading of a bad choice, this is where the lack of depth came into the show.
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Simply sensational
19 June 2018
Has a few good actors such as Thora Birch and Adrian Greneir, the lead has a flat performance throughout with his character written as a highly irrational man who easily gives into his desires without realizing the personal risks involved and hence the movie revolves around his irrational decisions. Would have been a more interesting movie if it only revolved around Thora Birch and Adrian Greneir, but it would not have been sensational then, a lack of intelligent writing to put it simply.
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Mystery Road (2018– )
Slow Build up with beautiful landscapes
8 June 2018
Starts off good, with characters you are starting to get to know. It is a slow build up with a good story line, but it starts to drag after episode 3. The performance by two actors is a standout Wayne Blair who plays Larry Dime and Crystal Swan (Madeleine Madden). Both actors are a slow fuse, they start off as insecure and irresponsible slowly progressing to be vulnerable and conditioned by circumstances and the people who have let them down. Both actors use silence as a force to communicate more than words could. Especially Madeleine Madden, she brings complexity to her character. The only performance that was a let down was that of the actress playing Shevorne Shields, she had one look in the entire series with no range at all. A few tears shed and violent outbursts and that was it, she had a lackluster performance, she couldn't use her eyes or body language to communicate her characters vulnerability. It was unfortunate as she is one of the key characters and she made the series hard to watch. Her acting should have been stronger, and her line delivery was horrible. The rest of the cast were good especially Judy Davis. Give the show a shot, the story line is done before it is some of the actors performances which are why it should be watched and of course for the beautiful landscapes and natural beauty.
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All about the Bride and her journey
20 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The second part gives us a more in depth look into the actions that the Bride had taken in the first part, how she decided to make a change and the consequences of it all. It has some of the best dialogue written especially in the last parts of the movie when Bill and Kiddo finally meet. Their interaction is what makes the movie special it gives us an insight into what makes them who they are. Bill is cold and has a heart at the same time, Kiddo is deadly yet vulnerable and has a difficult time speaking her emotional state. This is most evident when Bill drops by the Chapel and her hesitation and fear is displayed by the frantic looks and tone changes Uma thurman uses, the Bride is most human then. Both movies are a one destination journey, the most touching part is her journey as a warrior under the tutelage of Pai Mei. This is where we catch a glimpse of the warrior that Kiddo really is, and what makes her different from all the others, she has a deep honor and respect for tradition. This casts her in a superior mold to Bill as a warrior, who is cunning and fierce but lacks the dedication Kiddo has for she has an honor code they all lack.
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More than revenge, a life lived
20 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best action movies, with a great depiction of cultures and fighting styles, it can be considered a homage and it is. What adds depth to the movie is Uma Thurman's performance as she becomes a character whose life has come full circle so to speak. The musical score with the dialogues everything has been done superbly, with each part of the movie saying more than what the screen shows us, which is the best part of the movie, you get to fill in the gaps of who the characters were before and who they became just by the bits of info about their life given to us. The Bride is a character filled with depth we do not know her back story which is what gives her an even unique role, the same can be said about the majority of characters, they are who they are just like people in life.
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At Middleton (2013)
Vulnerability in falling in love
30 April 2018
Beautifully shot, landscape views and moments of joy and love captured as time flies by. At Middleton is about two actors bringing to life emotions felt, the raw emotions acted out so well it makes one captivated watching the movie. The movie is about falling in love again simply put but it isn't the clichè one usually sees, it is also about trying to be with a person again once you've forgotten how. A very poignant subtle tug at the heart strings movie done justice to by two seasoned actors.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Feels like teenage angst set in a police department
4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first season's first few episodes held promise a seemingly unhinged female lead with a plethora of personal demons battling them and solving a case, I like such leads generally. So as we progress the writers throw in more characters, some sex here and there, a rich suspect all the clichés if any I ever saw. Then the unprofessional behavior combined with Marcella's dressing I don't know if the writers think by making her dress in a certain way her unhinged mental state will come across better. All I know is you got to dress smart maybe a police department official can better tell this part so I'm speculating here. Moving on, the men in this show are supposedly smart and ambitious but not complex they have been written linear and the cliche "cannot keep it in his pants police guy" is placed in the show. Smart ambitious men with weaknesses can be done better (look towards True Detective). The only reason Season 1 fares better than Season 2 in my opinion, is that we are getting to know Marcella and her craziness has a charm to it it feels fresh to see violence in a woman and anger for once not underplayed and attributed to men solely. And, I have to credit the two actors here Sinèad Cusack and Harry Lloyd they hit their range especially Sinèad Cusack who superbly playes a woman going through a traumatic time yet being strong. The second season lacks character depth they underuse characters focus on the personal side of Marcella and her *spoilers* continuing fling with Tim the actor who just smiles and looks good frankly his character is badly written. The plot is convoluted has too many deaths and *spoilers* child abuse pedophiles child deaths all the factors that make a crime more serious but it is just done badly. The writers are just writing cliches and not putting in an effort. I think Anna Friel does the best she can but she cannot make her character realistic and for me that is a major factor in a police show that the characters are realistic and not exaggerations of everything. Give the first season a chance people but if you are looking for good police shows please look towards Happy Valley.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Beautifully shot fun to watch
1 September 2017
This is one of my go to action movies, let me start off by saying the lighting in the movie and its editing is so clear and beautiful, kudos to the crew. I love Liam Neeson in action movies especially after Taken, he is always believable in his role. The supporting cast is equally good in their parts especially Diane Kruger and January Jones. It is a fun watch shot beautifully, it deserves a viewing.
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Action and cinematography are to watch
28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The starting sequence of the movie packed a punch, it was funny and cool at the same time. As the movie progressed, I felt like it could've been better with a better written script minus Ryan Reynold's love interest, I did not like her acting frankly, she just felt like she was a filler part and the movie could have been interesting without her dynamic with Ryan Reynold's character. Also, I did not like the parts where it glorified violence especially with respect to the Hague proceedings that just felt weird to me.

The cinematography is well done, the shots of Amsterdam are beautifully taken and so are the action sequences, the crew deserves appreciation its what kept my attention the beautiful shots and sequencing.

Samuel L Jackson, Gary Oldman and Salma Hayek were fun to watch in their roles especially Samuel L Jackson, he made his character his own he became Darius Kincaid.

I went into this movie thinking it might be like Hot Fuzz which is superb in its own right, parts of the movie were good parts of it were just meh. The story line did not pack that punch that it needed.
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Unlocked (I) (2017)
Intriguingly different
24 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, I was about to back out of the movie half way through when **spoiler** Orlando Bloom's character showed up in the movie at the apartment where Alice was sent thinking here we go again a predictable romantic interest, well I was proved wrong. Noomi Rapace did a great job she is a good actress especially when it comes to portraying action fueled women. I did not like the pacing of the movie it felt like parts of the movie were thrown in together and it would have been better had it been a bit more unpredictable. But, nevertheless its a good action movie with a good lead, do give it a watch.
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Feud (2017–2024)
A journey into the emotional depth of actors
21 August 2017
This is one of my all time favorites, I decided after I completed the first season's viewing. This show is a force in itself, the writing is so well done, and the two leading ladies Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon, the way they hit their emotional range is the reason to watch this show. Moments of vulnerability, the rawness of the situation, the disappointment within ones self and the betrayals all of these emotions are captured in the best possible way. The characters are fleshed out, they are brought to life by the brilliant cast. I would sum it up by saying in the public eye in general as people we put on our strongest faces, our vulnerabilities hidden deep within knowing that a hint of weakness gives room for exploitation, when the veneer is no longer there we see our vulnerable self. I love how a show and the wonderful actresses managed to bring vulnerability to life, vulnerability of being a glamorous successful woman who lives life on her own terms and being human in general.
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