
27 Reviews
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Season 1&2 good, 3 is really bad
26 December 2022
Writing this as a die hard fan from 1991 after stumbling onto Comedy Central during the MST3K Turkey Day marathon. Within minutes I started recording the show and never stopped. From 1997 until the early 2000s I ran an MST3K tape trading site during the VHS days. Because of this I had probably watched every episode 100's of times while dubbing copies. Yes this is pre-digital where you had one VCR playing the tape and another recording it.

On to the review.

I binged the entire first season and really enjoyed it. Jonah is very solid, he delivers lines very subtly and well timed like Mike Nelson and Joel Hodgson did. He never overwhelms the movie so you can follow along and rarely has bad quips.

The intro sequence is awesome which is a fresh redo of the original intro where Joel created a lot of the models used. This intro has some very slick models too with neat stop motion.

They were definitely inspired by the Joel Hodgson years and mimicked a lot of what we saw back from S1-5 of the original series. The invention exchange is back and the Mads really target Patton Oswald = Frank Conniff but Felicia Day is a hybrid of Trace and Mary Joe. I think they really had a great thing going for the first two seasons.

Season 3 is a mess. Netflix dropped the show after Season 2 but after a 6.5Million Kickstarter they self produced season three with 13 episodes. This is around a 500K budget per episode but Unfortunately it doesn't show.

  • two bad green screen sets, one for the mads and one for the SoL.

  • The intro is basically a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Crow alternates between the original Hampton Yount and a female who I assume is the new co-host Emily Marsh or the Gypsy voice.

As for the new host, not good at all. Jonah was great out of the gate and I saw interviews with him and Joel and he really knows the show.

Emily just doesn't deliver. I just finished watching s03E13 Christmas Dragon and wow what a mess. They brought Joel back who is always great but the Emily segments are flat.

There won't be a season 4 I am quite sure. RIP MST3k.
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Coronation Street (1960– )
The actors are good the "agenda" is bad
19 November 2022
This show has been going downhill for five-ish years but in the last few months it has become a globalist advertisement.

I hate to sound like one of those people but this has become so obvious. Just in the last week let me point out a few subtle things that have been in the dialog.

  • (late october) during a charity clothing sale Paul was deciding on buying a heavy jumper when Asha said it will be better than using the heater in the winter. Now I will be attacked for saying this but really! Utility prices are doubling, tripling, +++ and Corrie subtly addresses/minimizes this with a weak alternative planted into the masses and ignoring the failing of the responsible.

  • Hum the verdict is still out on this storyline, the new comer kid who it may easily be speculated is a refugee comes across as the nicest and likable kid on the show. Sounds good to me however it is going to be the show's positive allegory on growing migration issue in Europe and the rest of the world for that matter. At this point the kid has only appeared in one scene but I would bet the farm this will play out to promote only the positives of new comers and none of the bad. Be prepared for some gaslighting where the typical priv'd viewer will be subtly guilted.

  • Peter is now becoming a protester and is promoting the virtues. Great, guess we will see Toya, Peter, and Spider throwing paint on artwork or blocking M6


I love most of the characters and the foundation of the show and it's stories. It plods on with following the banalities of peoples lives on the street. This is what this show has always done and continues to do well.

New characters are constantly cycled in, many are bad and some are good. The young characters are pretty good and the rest are fine too. This gives me hope but the problem is the writers and their marching orders.

My money is on bug food slipped into a future storyline. Barf.
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Exciting and fun with a great cast.
15 November 2022
I am shocked to see this low rating. I remember seeing this as a kid and loved the high paced mystery with plenty of San Francisco city scenes.

The comedy was Mel Brook like but the movie had a big task! It had to pull off a murder mystery and a comedy and a script that tried to back story so many characters. I think it handled this just fine.

This is a traditional murder mystery mixed with comedy. The cast is so deep with talent I thought it was great. I liked how they tried to build them all a unique persona which worked but there just wasn't time for follow through.

The ending was great and showed how much went into the twisty story.

4.0 out of 10??? Just cant see how people didn't see more in this fun little flick.
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13 October 2019
Wtf did I just watch?! Sorcino and Gedrick were fine but this is a total stinker.

The worst was the main actress Morgan. She is easily the worst ever to watch, her acting is beyond helping and she looked like she has been sucking a lemon her whole life.

There was some flat attempt at comedy but it would have been more fitting in a B slasher flick.
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Love Island USA (2019– )
Never ending
1 August 2019
First I had to endure "".

Now this show keeps adding more people than it loses. Stop the madness!!!!!
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The Movies (2019)
Will not stand the test of time.
1 August 2019
1/3 (at most) of each episode dives shallowly into timeless movies of the decade. 1/3 focuses on movies that have political undertones and slants it towards our political enviornment of the last few years. Finally, any movie that fills the emptiness of the current new social movements.

This series brings you down after every episode.
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Card Sharks (2019–2020)
Gameshows are the new actor's outlet
20 June 2019
Just like Press your luck and Elen's game of games, this gameshow uses only community theater actors.

Unnatural and cringe-worthy reboot of a mediocre 80s gameshow.

Even Joel Mchale looks depressed as the host so you can expect a wasted hour.

FYI, they have a dude doing the Vanna White card turning, nothing wrong just trying too hard. All very PC and snoozy.
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The Code (2019)
Not my thing.
9 June 2019
The last thing I'd do is critique the critiqueors who pick out minute details. Instead I'd assume they more than likely served or are in those circles.

If some hack show is going to levearge the clout and gravitas of a group it should at least put a respectful effort while taking advantage of the said group.

BTW, this is unbelievable and promotes a lollypop world that is not real. My girlfriend loves it so Ill give it a few nods.
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Season one was greaaat!!!!! two sucked
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly written without the expectation of a second season. The first season sucked us all in but this last one was a mess. Tried to be a psychological mr. robot where the killer is in an aware coma. walking around his basement with styropoam tombstones looking at his computer monitor showing all the bizarre behavior happening in his hospital room. No need to go into this strange tangent of boredom.

Then in the real world we see all the boring details of brendon gleesons character building; estranged ex wife lameness, daughter lameness, daughters college bfriend lameness who I think was the 1st season lawnmower boy.

so strange and weak but i see they signed it for another season? to bad and sad. it had lots of potential.
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Coronation Street: Episode #1.9784 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9,784
6 June 2019
Finally some effort. The extra effort this last week was much appreciated.

Above the feeling you guys might be turning a corner...The outdoor scenes are okay but more specifically I like the outdoor situation with the Platt's day at the lake. Good job.

The last ten years have sucked. Now that ITV have turfed some of the backroom dead weights I have a glimmer of hope that corrie might be good again.
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Catch-22 (2019)
Clooney directing. Oh no.
30 May 2019
It is just okay and is a series that will sit on my DVR until I'm motivated to watch more.

The four episode I am at was directed by Clooney who is iinsipid in-front of the camera but is worse behind it.

Suberbicon and Monuments Men are perfect examples of his directing chops. Talk about mediocrity. This show evokes the same appeal.
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The Wendy Williams Show (2008–2022)
What a mess!
19 April 2019
This show is always on in the AM so it's unavoidable.

I watched it just before she was carted off to her rehab. It was such a train wreak. Williams couldnt string a coherent sentence together yet the zombies in the audience were eating up all the verbal diarea. Strange.

I tuned in once when she was in rehab and Jerry Oconnell was guest hosting. The show was actually watchable if celeb gossip is your thing.

Again I tuned in after she returned from rehab and she is still a mess. Its like she has brain damage, she loses her way mid-thought and cant convey the story shes trying to cover.

So bad even after she came back after rehab.

Also, I dont know what the hell she did to her face and body but she looks too freaky to take seriously.
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Where did the the real colbert go?
13 April 2019
Love how he spoon feed Omar all the sound bites she wanted to get the claps. Then Omar the next day spoke to CAIR and said their "group"s freedoms were reduced because some guys did something. That something was 9/11, and yes the tone of that statement was belittling the gravity of what 9/11 was.

I LOVEDDDDD the Colbert Report and the first season of this show. I laughed at the trump stuff for a year or more. Now I'm sick of the same old same old. Worst is he now supporting every liberal agenda including this thing who is just disgusting.

I guess its all about the benjamins for you Cole-bert
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Lost Gold of WW2 (2019–2020)
23 March 2019
It's no Oak Island. Im a big fan of hunting hitler and other history channel reality shows but this one is bad.

The team appears to be retired construction workers who have no clue of the history or geography this show focuses on. The show is full of whatifisms and stretch armstronging likelihood's.

I have to give it one star just because it is full of speculation and is base on smoke and mirrors.
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Cobra Kai: Ace Degenerate (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Daniel LeDousho
22 February 2019
Priceless twist on one of my top childhood movies. LaRusso plays the the clown sporting a combover/toupe and Johnny the antihero is still living in the past.

I love the story and am just now watching episode 2. So far its great!
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The best part is....
21 February 2019
At least they cast many of the original actors from the first trilogy. Not just Han and Leah but

  • Peter Mayhew/chewwy
  • the C3P0 guy
  • Admiral Akbar

Thats a cool thing they did.

The movie however not very good. Took me three sittings to get through it. Just a mess with a story that didnt hook me in. Too Bad.
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CTV News Channel (1997– )
Battle of the worst hosts.
21 February 2019
It's a tight race to worst for CBC News Channel and CTV.

Nice to see the diversity craze. Bad accents and all!
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Darkest Hour (2017)
I'm no historian but...
21 February 2019
Just to rebuke all the historian slanted reviews talking about the many documenteries they watched.

The Dunkirk situation seemed pretty accurate from start to evacuation. The movie acknowledged that the brits couldnt provide real air cover and they also had scenes where the air marshall recommend not risking planes. That Chamberlain was a peacemonger and was blind because of this, this too me is accurate. The speeches where correctly delivered both in content and timeline from what I can tell.

Oldman's acting was well above his average and excellent/unimaginable for 99% of other actors.

If you are looking for action then this is not the show. But it is very well done, the sets are very period, and it is full of content to suck in.

Not sure this deserves a 7? Especially where the new star wars movies get in the eights. I'd say mid 8*
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The 61st Annual Grammy Awards (2019 TV Special)
Why does everything have to be a big statement?
11 February 2019
This show started off on the wrong foot when all the divas came out on stage at the start to preach at us. Shut up and sing
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Used to be an 8, a few years ago a 4...
10 February 2019
Now a 1, in every cheesy, poorly written skit;

  • Pete Davidson, who is as talented as a 17 high school dropout stoner. Why is he in every skit this year? pitty card is my guess.

  • Leslie Jones, one dimmensional in every skit. Does nothing but screem and frown. Seriously, youve been on the show long enough to show us some talent.

  • Two biggots on weekend update who do nothing but white bashing.

This show isnt even PC, its divisive. In desperation to claw back market share by being biggotted and edgy, you instead lose a whole segment with actually buying power for your ad sales.

Time to back pedal SNL.
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Match Game (2016–2021)
6 February 2019
Good to see a show that adopts washed up talent. Baldwin is tolerable.
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Family Feud (1999– )
Harvey is good but the questions are bad.
6 February 2019
Its good and worth PVRing to have a few on hand. Harvey is normally good except when he rambles on and on and over-hams it which happens at least once an episode.

The questions suck!!!! Either about canibals, cheating, or steve harvey himself.

Also the final $20k questions are either softballs or killer hard, never right in the middle.
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The Kids Are Alright (2018–2019)
It's just alright
6 February 2019
They do a good job with the nostalgia part and I really want to love this show, but its just alright.

Maybe its the writting or the characters but it comes off a bit flat at times. Sorry Bull, loved ya in BoB.
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Ellen's Game of Games (2017–2021)
Fake & way over the top
6 February 2019
Ellen balances out the manic actors with her superiour attitude. Not funny, not believable and I thought this steamy pile was dumped after last season.
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CNN Newsroom (1989–2024)
Co-hosts are painful to watch
23 January 2019
Jim Sciutto and especially Poppy Harlow are a train wreck. It's bad enough CNN is my only 24hr news channel I get in HD, but since they paired these two up, this show is unwatchable.

Poppy comes across as a colddddd fish. She clearly is not comfortable with Sciutto coming in to co-host. First they started hosting side-by-side, then they split them up to remote in from different studios. WTF? Clearly there is either a personality conflict or CNN thinks it works better that way. I'm betting its the former. (just noticed today they are back together???)

There is no point reviewing the actual content of the show since they are all the same. Anti-right and pro left. I always thought of myself as a liberal but watching this over the top, foaming at the mouth leftist crap makes me sick. No wonder Trump got elected.
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